The Resources Upgrade
> This is OpenTTY, a terminal emulator
> tottaly created in python that run a minimalish
> version of shell into your system (Windows and Linux)
> is supported by app.
OpenTTY 98
This is OpenTTY 98!
In this release family the focus is implement some
functions into OpenTTY and turn the users experience more
cool and funny. If you found an issue, please report and
help development team to turn the OpenTTY better.
Release Notes
1. Remote Plugin
*The Remote Plugin* is a big utility, it add only a command
but it can charge totally the experience with OpenTTY. This plugin
add the ability of connect OpenTTY sessions, but what it do?
Think... This tool can be used for connect devices with OpenTTY
it works with a simple type, in a device, type `bind <port>` and in
another run `connect <ip> <port>` charge ip by host of machine that you
run the first command and ports need be equal.
After connect the devices it will stream `sys.stdout` of OpenTTY for socket
object, command that requires futher input as `function`, `if`, `def` and others
doesnt works in this mode, 'cause is not possible yet read the `stdin` perfectly
from the connect.
Notes: If you try connect with the bind PSH with other applications as *PuTTY* use
`telnet` connect mode.
2. Background Process
Now is possible execute commands in background, it's add the possiblity of
execute more of one process in a time. You can do it adding `bg` before command.
It use module `threading.Thread()`.
3. Rundll SDK now working
I found the error that block the Rundll execution, it was a logic error that I wrote
`rundll.runfile(sys.argv[0])` but the index 0 is the name of rundll file.
Now it is working and you can use it for run OpenTTY Python DLLs with this SDK.
4. New METHODS in Asset
Now asset index have two new methods, it is `install-requires` for install other assets
during a installation and command `uninstall` to remove assets (Local assets and from mirrors).
5. Added Services Deamon
The *Services Deamon* is a tool for run OpenTTY DLLs, PSH Scripts and Others from network,
you can use it typing `; <url> [arguments]...` or if the script is official it can be runned
with name of command only. See above a list of this utilities:
- `pypi` Run a file and sent the packages for Python Package Index (PYPI)
- `ngen` Run asset gen from network, protable version for asset GEN
- `news` Show top 20 news for country Brazil (More Countries will be added in future updates)
- `gpt` A ChatBot with AI. Using module `openai`.
6. CHATBOT GPT Service
*ChatBot GPT* is a online Service of OpenTTY, you can run it with command `gpt`, but it
requires Python module `openai` that can be installed with `pip install openai`.
Create a profile with `venv [filename]...` and setup your openai api key to use the tool
you can put the key into `library['openai-api']`.
7. New INIT Deamon for OpenTTY
Now is possible setup a Boot Menu for OpenTTY, it is part of the class `__main__.RunConfig()`
that run a menu from CONFIG.SYS setting file. It works with:
1 = First ITEM;
2 = Second ITEM
exec = command
exec = command
The `RunConfig()` show the menu items and prompt the user select to choice what he/ she
will execute. The command in `exec` will be executed in a emulated PSH Session with OpenTTY
superuser permissions.
This tool can be used to execute automatically commands in OpenTTY execution, as aliases auto
creation, modifying a value, etc. It's a other kind to charge settings without use profiles.
8. Updated Permission Plugin
Now normal users as guests cant use `passwd` to see the OpenTTY ROOT Password, it will show
password with `*` characters replaced by normal password. With this charge only root can see
the setup password.
Was charged the SU Authentication Method, now if `app.connect()` read argument `admin=True`, it
will ask for password, some if you already is logged as Admin. It mean that was charged the auth
of `app.login()` for `app.connect()`.
9. New command extructure
In 1.6 *Resource Upgrade* was added the deamon _The Deamon of Characters_ it add the possibility
of run more than one commands in a line of OpenTTY, it's a resource that works in `app.connect()`
PSH Client.
It's works simple, code will split `|` itens and get commands and execute those.
10. Added in Box Plugin (Tarfile Utilities)
Some as zip tools, this have the commands:
- `tarinfo` Show informations for Tar Archive
- `untar` Uncompress a Tar Archive
- `gt` Compress files and directories into a Tar Archive
Contribuitors: Mr. Lima
Github Repository: