=== Library ===
==== Major changes ====
* New GEV estimation services: MLE, profiled likelihood, r-maxima, time-varying, return level
==== New classes ====
* SmolyakExperiment (openturns.experimental)
* Physical|StandardSpaceCrossEntropyImportanceSampling, CrossEntropyResult (openturns.experimental)
* LeastSquaresExpansion, IntegrationExpansion (openturns.experimental)
* UniformOverMesh (openturns.experimental)
* GeneralizedExtremeValueValidation (openturns.experimental)
* Coles (openturns.usecases.coles)
* Linthurst (openturns.usescases.linthurst)
==== API changes ====
* Deprecated LinearLeastSquaresCalibration::getCandidate, use getStartingPoint
* Deprecated NonLinearLeastSquaresCalibration::getCandidate, use getStartingPoint
* Deprecated GaussianLinearCalibration::getCandidate, use getParameterMean
* Deprecated NonGaussianLinearCalibration::getCandidate, use getParameterMean
* Removed SequentialStrategy
* Removed TensorApproximationAlgorithm, TensorApproximationResult, CanonicalTensorEvaluation, CanonicalTensorGradient
* Removed FunctionalChaosSobolIndices.getSobolGrouped(Total)Index(int)
* Removed FunctionalChaosSobolIndices::summary
* Removed CorrelationAnalysis::PearsonCorrelation|SpearmanCorrelation|PCC|PRCC
* Removed Distribution.getStandardMoment
* Removed deprecated LinearModelAlgorithm | LinearModelStepwiseAlgorithm ctors
* Removed FunctionalChaosAlgorithm(Function) ctors
* Removed MetaModelResult(Function, Function, ...) ctor
* Removed FunctionalChaosResult.getComposedModel, MetaModelResult.getModel and associated attributes for 1.21
* Removed FunctionalChaosResult Function ctor
* Removed (Process)Sample::computeCenteredMoment
* Removed Distribution::getCenteredMoment
* Removed IterativeMoments::getCenteredMoments
* Removed GeneralLinearModelAlgorithm | KrigingAlgorithm ctors
* Removed Drawable.draw|clean & Graph.draw|clean|getRCommand|makeR*|GetExtensionMap methods
* Removed Sample.storeToTemporaryFile|streamToRFormat methods
* Removed GaussianProcess.GIBBS
* Deprecated DomainIntersection|Union|DisjunctiveUnion(Domain, Domain) ctors
* KrigingResult.getTrendCoefficients now returns a single Point
* GeneralLinearModelResult.getTrendCoefficients now returns a single Point
* KrigingResult.getBasisCollection was removed in favor of KrigingResult.getBasis which returns a single Basis
* GeneralLinearModelResult.getBasisCollection was removed in favor of GeneralLinearModelResult.getBasis which returns a single Basis
* Deprecated EllipticalDistribution::getInverseCorrelation
* HSICStat arguments updated (covariance matrices instead of data + covariance models)
* Deprecated HSICStat relying on weight matrix
* Deprecated Basis::getDimension, use getInputDimension instead
* Removed thinning from Gibbs and all MetropolisHastings classes
* Removed burn-in from Gibbs and all MetropolisHastings classes except RandomWalkMetropolisHastings
* RandomWalkMetropolisHastings::getRealization|Sample no longer remove states reached during burn-in
* RandomWalkMetropolisHastings default adaptation parameters were changed to enable adaptation
* Split BoxCoxFactory::build into buildWithGraph, buildWithLM, buildWithGLM
=== Documentation ===
* Add API documentation to common use cases pages
* Added new use case: Linthurst
=== Python module ===
=== Miscellaneous ===
* Add HypothesisTest::LikelihoodRatioTest for nested model selection
* Add VisualTest::DrawPPplot
* Add VisualTest.Draw(Upper|Lower)(Tail|Extremal)DependenceFunction methods to plot dependence functions
* Add Distribution.compute(Upper|Lower)(Tail|Extremal)DependenceMatrix methods to compute dependence coefficients
* Enable Pagmo.moead_gen with pagmo>=2.19
* Enable Bonmin.Ecp/iFP algorithms with bonmin>=1.8.9
* BoxCoxFactory handles linear model
=== Bug fixes ===
* 2045 ([Debian] NLopt issues during tests on arm64, ppc64el, s390x)
* 2046 ([Debian] DistFunc_binomial issues in tests on arm64 and ppc64el)
* 2047 ([Debian] pythoninstallcheck_DistributionFactory_std issues on arm64, armel, armhf, mips64el)
* 2153 (HSIC computation cost)
* 2185 (Error: no member named '__1' in namespace 'std' ARM64 Android Termux)
* 2193 (Tiny spelling issues)
* 2194 (SubsetSampling: bug in 1.15)
* 2200 (out of bound probas)
* 2204 (Build fails with primesieve-11.0)
* 2205 (Edges of a PolygonArray)
* 2206 (Only Contour legends are shown in a graph mixing Contour and other Drawable (Curve, Cloud,...))
* 2209 (The Felhberg algorithm can fail, sometimes)
* 2210 (Python Domain.getImplementation does not work)
* 2213 (Some script fails)
* 2229 (Unary minus for distribution)
* 2240 (The Viewer sometimes fail)
* 2250 (HSIC Target sensitivity bad filtering)
* 2252 (The examples of calibration are difficult to understand)
* 2255 (The description of a Distribution is wrong)
* 2268 (MeixnerDistribution: slow pdfgradient)
* 2274 (Basis accepts functions with different input (output) dimensions)
* 2281 (The marginal of FireSatelliteModel can fail)
* 2285 (The input and output descriptions does not go down to the metamodel)
* 2287 (DesignProxy.computeDesign() can produce a segmentation fault)
* 2296 (DiracCovarianceModel.discretize() is buggy)
* 2297 (Legend location with grid layout)
* 2299 (Allow openturns as subproject)
* 2306 (Dirichlet::computeConditionalPDF can produce NaNs and Infs)
* 2323 (Minor wording issues in the cross entropy importance sampling example)
* 2327 (A sign mistake in FGM document)
* 2328 (Sample.add weird behaviour)
* 2338 (HSIC with large amount of data makes crash)