**A major update with big refactoring and modern stack**
There are some backward incompatibility issues for projects created before this
version, also some part of core have changed.
* Remove support for Python3.5;
* Add support for Python 3.6 to 3.9;
* Fix a test for recent Babel version;
* Upgrade dependancies to recent versions and pin some other ones:
* ``click`` to ``>=7.1,<8.0``;
* ``Jinja`` to ``>=3.0.1,<4.0.0``;
* ``webassets`` to ``==2.0``;
* ``rcssmin`` to ``==1.0.6``;
* ``jsmin`` to ``==3.0.0``;
* ``colorama`` to ``==0.4.4``;
* ``colorlog`` to ``==6.4.1``;
* ``cookiecutter`` to ``==1.7.3``;
* Fix event watcher to use ported ``match_any_path`` instead of ``match_path`` from
deprecated ``pathtools``;
* Add frozen requirement file and freezer script. Frozen requirement file is updated
on each release, it may help you to know the exact dependancies versions validated
to work;
* Update package configuration;
* Add ``tox`` tool to dev requirements;
* Improve Makefile;
* Update sphinx configuration;
* Drop ``sphinx-autoreload`` in profit of ``livereload``;
* Add new setting ``HTTPS_ENABLED`` to enabled HTTPS protocol instead of
default HTTP in template context variable ``SITE.web_url``;
* Removed requirement and usage of ``six`` since this is a Python3 from some time;
* Replaced usage of deprecated ``imp`` usage with a new system with ``importlib``;
* Refactored project starter:
* Now stand on cookiecutter, actually pinned to the 1.7.3, until 2.x branch has
been released;
* Remove the dry run option which was only for debugging/testing;
* Ship only a basic cookiecutter template which is equivalent to the i18n previous
* Added interfaces which are functional implementations of what CLI did but without
making importation and project settings so they can be used programmaticaly and
correctly tested;
* Now CLI used their respective interface to make their job;
* Fixed tests so they can work on CLI without to be troubled by other tests which
make importations of settings or views modules;
* Now all CLI are tested;
* Application and tests are 100% valid with Flake8;
* Updated documentation;