After way too long, it's finally here! **2.0.0**! And it doesn't have any GUI. This isn't to say I haven't done much work, it's actually to say I got too carried away with backend. This update includes a major refactor of basically all of the code, along with a few new config options and runtime arguments.
**Note:** `--format-old` is a very precarious function that will be deprecated in 2.1.0. It might work, it might not. It's probably safer to manually move over your praw.ini and config.json settings to the new locations.
- Added ``--clean-hunt`` runtime argument to remove comments containing "treasure hunt". (48, 87, 115)
- Added caseSensitive config key. Determines whether or not OSCR is case sensitive when matching regexes or blacklisted comments. Set to False by default. (57, 69)
- Added printLogs config key and ``--print-logs`` runtime argument to override the config. Determines whether or not OSCR prints the log to the console. (70, 71)
- Added reportTotals config key and ``--report-totals`` runtime argument to override the config. Determines whether or not OSCR prints total statistics to the console. (65, 72)
- Added "unclaiming" to the default blacklist. (69, nice)
- OSCR now ignores punctuation when matching comments to blacklist entries. (80, 83)
- Added userList config key. If any users are specified in the list, OSCR will only check comments that are in reply to those users.(85, 87)
- Added ability to leave subredditList (and new userList key) empty, which will disable them, letting OSCR check comments on any subreddit or in reply to any user.
- OSCR now collects global variables at program initialisation (in the ``oscr`` script) and not ````. (49, 75)
- Contained all code in ```` within an ``oscr()`` function for the purpose of the above change. (50, 75)
- Refactored entire program with a much stronger object-oriented focus. This opens the door for a lot of backend improvements and optimisation. (108, 109)
- Re-wrote stats handling to use JSON and classes, making ```` a much neater module. (106, 109)
- Moved arguments checking to its own module, ````. (52, 75)
- Moved comment handling to its own module, ````. (81, 82)
- Added type hinting. (101, 103)
- Staticised constant variables. (97, 96, 98)
- Optimised generation of ``config.json`` and ``praw.ini``. (51, 66, 67)
- Optimised handling of ``praw.ini``, including updating & formatting from CDRemover to OSCR. (76, 84)
- ``calculateEssentials()`` is no longer called unnecessarily. (53, 59)
- Combined default regexBlacklist items into one regex. (117, 118)
- Moved the default config variable to ````. (56, 66)
- Made many miscellaneous optimisation and readability improvements. (77, 78, 79, 84, 96, 104, 109, 112, 114, 118, 120, 121)
- Added colored for coloured console output. (94)
- Updated Python requirement to >= 3.5 for type hinting. (107)
- Moved documentation to readthedocs. (93, 99)
- Renamed ``oscrmodules`` to ``core``. (110, 111)
- Moved ``config.json`` to ``~/.config/oscr`` on Linux and Mac, and ``AppData\\Roaming\\oscr`` on Windows. (54, 64)
- Changed how ``praw.ini`` is read and moved file to ``~/.config/oscr`` on Linux and Mac, and ``AppData\\Roaming\\oscr`` on Windows. (55, 84)
- Improved log output surrounding comment retrieval & checking. (60, 68)
- Added license specification to ````. (73, 74)
- Changed config guide from bullet point list to table. (83)
- Added colouring to logs, currently only on warnings. (91, 94)
- Generally improved log handling. (95, 96)
- Renamed ``gvars`` to ``Globals``. (100, 102)
Bug Fixes
- 45: Crash on attempting to use ``--show-config`` due to accidentally assigning ``Globals()`` instance to ``gvars.config``. (fixed in 58)
- 61: Attempting to update integer or boolean keys in the settings menu causes an infinite loop. (fixed in 63)
- 86: Regexes may delete comments that are not bot interactions. (fixed in 87)
- 88: Runtime arguments are not processed in the correct priority order. (fixed in 90)
- 89: Crash on passing conflicting arguments. (fixed in 90)
- 92: Potential crash on failing to update a statistic. (fixed in 94)