oszsave is a utility designed to automate the downloading and management of osu! beatmaps. It streamlines the process by providing users
with a tool to fetch beatmap links and download them in bulk.
**Fixes in this update:**
- File Paths are now correctly handled by the binary version
- Getting Headers: Guides the user through the process of capturing the required headers for downloading beatmaps, involving copying the cURL command from a network packet.
- Beatmap Link Collection: Facilitates the collection of beatmap links from user profiles on osu.ppy.sh using a provided JavaScript snippet.
- Bulk Downloading: Allows users to download beatmaps in bulk based on the collected links.
- File and Folder Management: Automatically creates necessary files and folders if they don't exist, including headers.json, curl_command.txt, done.json, and beatmap_list.json.
- Instructions Creation: Detailed instructions are generated and made accessible to the user, guiding them through the entire process, from capturing headers to importing downloaded beatmaps into osu!.
- Packaged as Executable: The utility is packaged into a single executable file, making it easy to distribute and use without needing a separate Python environment.
**Usage Consideration:**
The program may take several hours to complete for large beatmap lists.
**Support and Contact:**
For any issues or inquiries, users are encouraged to reach out to the developer on Discord: forgedcore8