* Fix for possible XSS * Implemented [Content-Security-Policy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CSP) to protect against XSS and injections * Migrated vendor CSS/JS to be included in the package * Option to enforce execution prompts * Fix use of GitHub private repositories
* Added [validation against XSS](https://github.com/ansibleguy/webui/issues/44) * Execution prompts/forms to provide job overrides
* Fixes for Alert Mails
* Enhanced graceful stop * Alerting * E-Mail * Plugin System * Credential categories * Fix for SSH-RSA key usage (*error in libcrypto*) * Fix for [Log-View API usage](https://github.com/ansibleguy/webui/issues/36)
* Support for Config-File * Moved SAML config to general Config-File * Added Execution-Duration to UI * Allow to save Username at Login-Form * Multiple fixes for UI * Increased maximum execution-command length