🚀 Features
- _(v3)_ Add message relay and callback servers
- _(v3)_ [**breaking**] Integrate message relay server
> The provider name must be given as an argument of the `Verifier` constructor, instead of the first argument of the `set_info` method.
- _(v3)_ [**breaking**] Add state handler server
> `set_state` has been renamed to `state_handler`. If using a URL still, the `body` keyword argument is now a _required_ parameter.
- _(v3)_ [**breaking**] Further simplify message interface
> `message_handler` signature has been changed and expanded.
🎨 Styling
- Lint
- Lint
📚 Documentation
- Fix minor typos
- _(blog)_ Add functional arguments post
⚙️ Miscellaneous Tasks
- Fix __url__
- _(ci)_ Pin full version
- Add yamlfix
- Remove docker files and scripts
- Update biome version
- Rename master to main
- _(ci)_ Pin typos to version
- _(ci)_ Pin minor version of checkout action
- Silence unset default fixture loop scope
- _(ci)_ Replace pre-commit/action
- _(v3)_ [**breaking**] Remove unnecessary underscores
> The PactServer `__exit__` arguments no longer have leading underscores. This is typically handled by Python itself and therefore is unlikely to be a change for any user, unless the end user was calling the `__exit__` method explicitly _and_ using keyword arguments.
- _(v3)_ [**breaking**] Make util module private
> `pact.v3.util` has been renamed to `pact.v3._util` and is now private.
- _(ci)_ Upgrade macos-12 to macos-13
- _(c)_ Specify full action version
- Add pytest-xdist
- _(ci)_ Remove condition on examples
- Update tests to use new message/state fns
- Adapt examples to use function handlers
- Move matchers test out of examples
- Adjust tests based on new implementation
- Remove dead code
- Fix compatibility with 3.9, 3.10
- Add pytest-rerunfailures
- Fix windows compatibility
- _(ci)_ Automerge renovate PRs
- JP-Ellis