
Latest version: v2.4.0

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[1、Support text-to-image domain model]
- Add five text-to-image domain models based on disco diffusion, in which three models are for English and two for Chinese. Especially, Chinese text-to-image model [disco_diffusion_ernievil_base]( is based on Baidu **ERNIE-ViL**,welcome to experience.

【2、Support Wenxin large models API】
- Add api call for [**ERNIE-ViLG**]( model, which supports text-to-image task。
- Add api call for [**ERNIE 3.0 Zeus**]( model, which supports applications such as writing essays, summarization, couplets, question answering, writing novels and completing text.


[ 1. Improvements]

- Add supports for five new models, including two high-precision semantic segmentation models based on VOC dataset and three voice classification models.
- Enforce the transfer learning capabilities for image semantic segmentation, text semantic matching and voice classification on related datasets.

[ 2. Upgrades of deployment capabilities]

- Add the export function APIs for two kinds of model formats, i.,e, ONNX and PaddleInference.
- **Important Open-Source Ecological Cooperation**: add the support for [BentoML](, which is a cloud native framework for serving deployment. Users can easily serve pre-trained models from [PaddleHub]( by following the [Tutorial notebooks](https:// Also, see this announcement and [Release note]( from BentoML. (Many thanks to [parano]( [cqvu]( [deehrlic]( for contributing this feature in PaddleHub)

[ 3. Bug fixes ]

- [7da1230]( Fixed the problem that the model cannot resume training if metrics is not recorded.
- [b0b3144]( Fixed the problem that the thread did not exit normally when the evaluation process was abnormal.
- [30aace4]( Improve the model installation process.


* 发布 2.0版本,全面迁移动态图编程模式,模型开发调试更加方便,finetune接口更加灵活易用。
* 视觉类任务迁移学习能力全面升级,支持图像分类、图像着色、风格迁移等多种任务。
* BERT、ERNIE、RoBERTa等Transformer类模型升级至动态图,支持文本分类、序列标注的Fine-Tune能力。
* 新增词向量模型61个,其中包含中文模型51个,英文模型10个。
* 优化服务化部署Serving能力,支持多卡预测、自动负载均衡,性能大幅度提升。
* 新增自动数据增强能力Auto Augment,能高效地搜索适合数据集的数据增强策略组合。


* BERT、ERNIE、RoBERTa等Transformer类模型升级至动态图,增加[文本分类](../../demo/text_classification)的Fine-Tune能力
* 修复部分已知问题


* 全面迁移动态图编程模式,模型开发调试更加方便,finetune接口更加灵活易用。
* 优化服务化部署Serving能力,支持多卡预测、自动负载均衡,性能大幅度提升。
* 视觉类迁移学习能力全面升级,支持[图像分类](../../demo/image_classification)、[图像着色](../../demo/colorization)、[风格迁移](../../demo/style_transfer)等多种视觉任务。


* 『[图像分割](』新增轻量级人像分割模型Humanseg,支持移动端实时分割
* 增强文本匹配任务性能,使用[EMNLP2019-Sentence-BERT](作为文本匹配任务网络,可同时大幅提升准确率和预测速度。配套教程:[pointwise文本语义匹配](、[pairwise文本语义匹配](
* 修复文本分类选择F1作为评价指标,运行错误

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