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New Features

Vision Foundation Model
* Release Segment Anything Model (SAM) based on PaddlePaddle. As a vision foundation model, SAM has the powerful zero-shot capability to segment any objects and images. SAM can also segment specified object with prompt input.
* Provide a gradio-based demo, which can be easily deployed to demonstrate the function of automatic full-image segmentation.
* Provide a script-based demo, which segments specific objects with a point, box, or mask as prompt input.

Semantic Segmentation
* Release PP-MobileSeg, a lightweight semantic segmentation model for mobile devices. Comparing PP-MobileSeg with the previous SOTA model on ADE20K dataset, the accuracy is increased by 1.5%, the speed is increased by 42.3%, and the number of parameters is reduced by 34.9%.
* Add 7 semantic segmentation models, i.e., MaskFormer, HRFormer, ViT-Adapter, CAE, SegNeXt, K-Net, and LPSNet.
* Enhance model training modules: Add Exponential Moving Average (EMA); refactor the optimizer as a customizable component; decouple Config from Builder, and strictly verify configuration information; move the user scripts into the `tools` directory.
* Enhance model deployment modules: Add FastDeploy, a high-performance and all-scenario model deployment solution; add examples and tutorials for C++ deployment on Windows.

Panoptic Segmentation
* Release PanopticSeg v0.5, a universal panoptic segmentation solution.
* Provide full-process development capabilities for panoptic segmentation scenes, and support functions such as dataset preparation, model training, model deployment, and visual analysis.
* Integrate Mask2Former and Panoptic-DeepLab models, and support Cityscapes and MS COCO datasets.

Quality Inspector
* Release QualityInspector v0.5, a full-process solution for industrial quality inspection.
* Support a unified and configurable pipeline that can flexibly use single-task and multi-task models, and integrate PaddleDetection and PaddleSeg models.
* Provide 3 unsupervised quality inspection methods.
* Support model evaluation and analysis functions, and one-click tuning by using the post-processing module.
* Support functions such as data labeling, data analysis, and format conversion in industrial quality inspection scenes, and provide practical examples.

* Release EISeg v1.1, a semi-automatic tool for image annotation. Add manual labeling and automatic pre-labeling functions for detection objects, and support 3 dataset formats (COCO, VOC and YOLO).
* Add a video matting model RVM, and support video matting and background replacement functions. Add a .NET deployment tutorial for matting models. Add DIY applications for ID photos and wedding photos based on PP-Matting.

Bug Fixes
* Fix the precision error of multi-scale evaluation 2933 2978
* Fix the error of exporting the inference model for ESPNetV2 model 3003
* Fix the error of repeatedly downloading datasets under multi GPUs 3126
* Fix a bug in PortraitNet dataset 3024


* 开源飞桨版本视觉大模型Segment Anything Model (SAM)。SAM具有强大的zero-shot能力,可以分割任意物体和图像,也可以使用提示输入分割特定目标。
* 提供基于Gradio的演示Demo,支持本地部署,可以快速体验SAM全图分割功能。
* 提供脚本演示Demo,支持点、框、掩码作为提示输入,快速得到SAM交互分割结果。

* 发布超轻量级语义分割SOTA模型PP-MobileSeg,在ADE20K数据集上对比此前模型,精度提升1.5%、速度提升42.3%、参数量减少34.9%。
* 新增7个前沿语义分割模型:MaskFormer、HRFormer、ViT-Adapter、CAE、SegNeXt、K-Net和LPSNet。
* 增强训练功能:新增指数滑动平均EMA;支持自定义Optimizer组件,灵活配置训练超参;解耦Config和Builder,严格校验配置信息;训压推启动脚本统一到`tools`目录下。
* 增强部署功能:新增支持高性能、全场景的模型部署方案FastDeploy;新增Windows上CPP部署的示例和教程。

* 发布通用的全景分割方案PanopticSeg v0.5版本。
* 提供全景分割场景的全流程开发能力,打通数据集准备、模型训练、模型推理、可视化分析等功能。
* 集成前沿模型Mask2Former和Panoptic-DeepLab,支持Cityscapes与MS COCO数据集。

* 发布工业质检全流程解决方案QualityInspector v0.5版本。
* 支持统一可配置的算法方案,集成飞桨检测分割的能力和模型库,灵活使用单任务模型和多任务串联模型。
* 支持三种无监督异常检测算法。
* 支持工业级指标评测和分析功能,使用后处理模块可以一键调优。
* 支持工业质检场景的数据标注、数据分析、格式转换等功能,提供全流程实践范例。

* 发布高性能智能标注工具EISeg v1.1版本,新增对检测目标的手工标注功能和自动预标注功能,支持COCO、VOC和YOLO的检测标注保存格式。
* 新增视频抠图模型RVM,支持视频预测和背景替换;新增人像抠图.NET部署教程;新增基于PP-Matting的证件照/结婚照DIY应用。

* 修复多尺度验证的精度错误 2933 2978
* 修复ESPNetV2模型导出预测模型的错误 3003
* 修复多卡重复下载数据集的错误 3126
* 修复PortraitNet数据集的错误 3024


New Features

Semantic Segmentation
* Release RTFormer, a real-time semantic segmentation model accepted by NeurIPS 2022. RTFormer combines the advantages of CNN and Transformer modules, and it achieves SOTA trade-off between performance and efficiency on several datasets.
* Release UHRNet, a semantic segmentation model. The segmentation accuracy of UHRNet is higher than that of HRNet on Cityscapes.
* Add 2 semantic segmentation models, i.e., TopFormer and MscaleOCRNet-PSA.
* Enhance model training module, i.e., training for single channel images, setting different learning rate for backbone and head.
* Add the tutorials of config preparation and training tricks.

Image Matting
* Release PP-MattingV2, a real-time human matting model with SOTA performance. Compared to previous models, the mean error is reduced by 17.91%, the inference speed is improved by 44.6% on GPU.
* Refine the tutorials and build the benchmark of Matting models.

3D Medical Segmentation
* Release MedicalSegV2, a superior 3D medical image segmentation solution.
* Release an intelligent annotation toolkit called EISeg-Med3D.
* Release an optimized implementation of nnUNet named nnUNet-D, which has model deployment module.
* Add 3 segmentation models, i.e., SwinUnet, TransUnet and nnFormer.
* Refine the tutorials, add detailed information of model zoo and model introduction.


* 发布轻量级语义分割模型RTFormer,结合CNN和Transformer模块的优势,在公开数据集上实现性能SOTA,并发表于NeurIPS 2022。
* 发布高精度语义分割模型UHRNet,Cityscapes数据集上精度超越HRNet。
* 新增2个语义分割模型,TopFormer和MscaleOCRNet-PSA。
* 增强训练功能,支持单通道图像训练,支持Backbone和Head设置不同学习率。
* 优化安装步骤和文档,新增准备配置文件、高阶训练技巧的教程。

* 发布自研的轻量级抠图模型PP-MattingV2,推理速度提升44.6%,平均误差减小17.91%,超越此前SOTA模型,支持零成本开箱即用。
* 升级文档和教程,构建模型库Benchmark。

* 发布3D医疗影像分割方案MedicalSegV2。
* 发布3D医疗影像交互式标注工具EISeg-Med3D,具有算法创新、高效准确、用户友好等优势。
* 新增前沿高精度分割方案nnUNet-D,涵盖数据分析、超参优化、模型构建、模型训练、模型融合等模块,而且新增模型部署的能力。
* 新增3个医疗影像分割模型,SwinUnet、TransUnet和nnFormer,精度超过原论文最高达到3.6%。
* 升级医疗分割的文档和教程,丰富ModelZoo和模型原理说明。

Bug Fix
* Fix data transforms error in PanopticDeeplab. 2381
* Fix evaluation error for cityscapes dataset in PanopticDeeplab. 2564
* Replace `_C_ops` with `_legacy_C_ops` for basic api. 2494
* Check and synchronize the num_classes in config. 2477
* Replace `with_softmax` and `with_argmax` with `output_op` in 2547
* Correct the use of `dist.all_reduce` in distributed training. 2606
* Fix the error of releasing dataloader. 2650


New Features
Semantic Segmentation
* Release PP-HumanSeg v2, an off-the-shelf human segmentation model. It achieves 64.26 FPS on the mobile device, which is 45.5% faster than before.
* Release PSSL, a novel pre-training method, including a large dataset that consists of 1.2M+ pseudo semantic segmentation labels (PSSL) corresponding to the whole ImageNet training set. It boosts the performances of various models on all downstream tasks.
* Release the industrial model series: high-accuracy models, light-weight models, and super light-weight models, to help developers pick up the most suitable one.
* Add 2 segmentation models: MobileNetV3_LRASPP,UperNet.
* Add 1 initialization method: Xavier Uniform.
* Upgrade data reading pipeline that allows using dict to pass the data.
* Support PaddleSMRT which is a model selection tool that help developers to choose the best model according to the actual requirements.
* Upgrade the homepage, and provide more easy-to-use quick-start tutorial.

Intelligent Labelling
* Release EISeg v1.0, the stable-version semi-automatic tool for image, video and 3D slice data annotation. It achieves "Once for All" (training once, and labelling all) performance.
* Add interactive video object segmentation for general scenes, this work is based on EISeg interactive segmentation model and MiVOS.
* Add 3D segmentation capabilities for abdominal multi-organ and CT vertebral data, and provides 3D visualization tools.

Image Matting
* Release PP-Matting source code and the pre-trained models.
* Add the pymatting package that provides five traditional matting methods including ClosedFormMatting、KNNMatting, FastMatting, LearningBaseMatting, and RandomWalksMatting.
* Add GCA model, update the ppmatting architecture, and support user-specified metrics evaluations.

3D Medical Segmentation
* Add UNETR,we achieve Dice=71.8% in MSD-brain, which is 0.7% higher than the original implementation.
* Add slicing window prediction to support large-scale input, which improves the inference accuracy.
* 发布实时人像分割模型PP-HumanSeg v2,移动端推理速度提升45.5%、达到64.26 FPS,分割精度更高、通用型更强、零成本开箱即用。
* 发布120多万张ImageNet分割伪标签数据集,以及预训练方法PSSL,全面提升分割模型在下游任务上的性能。
* 发布产业级语义分割模型,包括高精度、轻量级和超轻量级系列。
* 新增2个语义分割模型,MobileNetV3_LRASPP,UperNet。
* 新增1个初始化方法:Xavier Uniform。
* 升级数据流程,通过字典形式进行数据的传递,提升数据流的可读性、灵活性与扩展性。
* 接入飞桨产业模型选型工具PaddleSMRT,可以根据产业落地的诸多诉求,分析数据特点,推荐合适的模型和方案。
* 全新升级文档主页,全流程使用教程更加详实。

* 发布高性能智能标注工具EISeg v1.0正式版,实现一次训练万物可标,加速提升图像、视频、3D医疗影像等领域的分割标注效率。
* 新增用于通用场景视频交互式分割能力,以EISeg交互式分割模型及MiVOS算法为基础,全面提升视频标注体验。
* 新增用于腹腔多器官及CT椎骨数据3D分割能力,并提供3D可视化工具,给予医疗领域3D标注新的思路。

* 开源PP-Matting代码和预训练模型
* 新增pymatting支持,引入ClosedFormMatting、KNNMatting、FastMatting、LearningBaseMatting和RandomWalksMatting传统机器学习算法。
* 新增GCA模型,更新目录结构,支持指定指标进行评估。

* 新增前沿模型UNETR,在MSD-brain 上Dice为71.8%,高于原论文0.7%。
* 新增滑窗预测功能,支持大图推理提升精度。

Bug Fix
* Fix a problem in warpAffine.
* Fix a makedirs bug.
* Fix the split_dataset_list error.
* Fix the problem of one hot when CELoss has weight.
* Fix the error of no num_class.
* Subtract the warmup iters for PolynomialDecay.
* Fix pointrend log error.


New Features
* Release PP-LiteSeg, a superior real-time semantic segmentation model. It achieves 273.6FPS on 1080Ti.
* Release PP-Matting, a trimap-free image matting model for extremely fine-grained segmentation. It achieves SOTA performance on Composition-1k and Distinctions-646.
* Release MedicalSeg, a newly easy-to-use toolkit for 3D medical imaging. It supports the whole segmentation process including data preprocessing, model training, and model deployment, and provides high-accuracy models on lung and spine segmentation.
* Release EISeg v0.5, with three more interactive models for chest Xray, MRI spine and defect inspection.
* Add 5 semantic segmentation models: ENet, CCNet, DDRNet, GloRe, PP-LiteSeg.
* Add 1 loss function: MultiClassFocalLoss.
* Support AMP training, including O1 and O2 levels.

* 发布超轻量级语义分割模型PP-LiteSeg技术报告以及开源模型,在1080Ti GPU上推理速度达到273.6FPS。
* 发布高精度抠图模型PP-Matting技术报告以及开源模型,在Composition-1K和Distinctions-646上实现SOTA。
* 发布3D医疗影像开发套件MedicalSeg,支持数据预处理、模型训练、模型部署等全流程开发,并提供肺部、椎骨数据上的高精度分割模型。
* 发布交互式分割工具EISeg v0.5版本,新增胸片X光、医学椎骨、工业质检标注垂类方向。
* 新增5个分割模型:ENet, CCNet, DDRNet, GloRe, PP-LiteSeg。
* 新增1个损失函数:MultiClassFocalLoss。
* 完整支持混合精度训练能力,包括O1、O2模式训练、边训边评估。

Bug Fix
* Add init weights for hrnet_contrast.
* Fix the overflow error in calculating kappa.
* Fix GINet interpolate problem.
* Fix the error of nonetype object for quant.
* Fix Enet export and infer problem.
* Fix SemanticConnectivityLoss bug on cpu.
* Fix import error of tensor_fusion.
* Fix a prediction bug without val dataset.

New Contributors
* xmba15 made their first contribution in
* ChenjieXu made their first contribution in
* ykkk2333 made their first contribution in
* windstamp made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


New Features
* Release the upgraded interactive segmentation tool, EISeg 0.4, adding Remote Sensing and Medical annotation.
* Publish the PP-HumanSeg paper for portrait segmentation, including semantic connectivity loss and large-scale video conferencing dataset named PP-HumanSeg14K.
* Release PP-HumanMatting for extremely fine-grained human segmentation.
* Provide 2 tutorials for domain adaptation algorithm PixMatch, and Lane Segmentation.
* Add 9 semantic segmentation models: ESPNetV1, ESPNetV2, HRNet_W48_Contrast, DMNet, ENCNet, PFPNNet, FastFCN, BiSeNetV1, and SegMenter.
* Add 2 loss functions: SECrossEntropyLoss,SemanticConnectivityLoss.
* Add 1 transform method: RandomCenterCrop.
* Add 4 medical segmentation datasets: STARE,DRIVE,CHASE DB1,HRF, and their pretrained models in UNet.
* Provide a comprehensive performance table for all segmentation models in PaddleSeg.

* 发布交互式分割工具EISeg v0.4版本,支持静态图预测,新增遥感、医疗标注垂类方向。
* 发布人像分割论文PP-HumanSeg,并开源连通性学习(SCL)方法和大规模视频会议数据集PP-HumanSeg14K。
* 开源人像发丝级抠图Matting算法,PP-HumanMatting。
* 新增2个分割案例:无监督领域自适应模型PixMatch,车道线分割。
* 新增9个分割模型:ESPNetV1, ESPNetV2, HRNet_W48_Contrast, DMNet, ENCNet, PFPNNet, FastFCN, BiSeNetV1, 以及Transformer系列模型SegMenter。
* 新增2个损失函数:SECrossEntropyLoss,SemanticConnectivityLoss。
* 新增1个数据增强方法:RandomCenterCrop。
* 新增医疗分割数据集STARE,DRIVE,CHASE DB1,HRF,并提供UNet预训练模型。
* 提供分割模型性能对比图,帮助用户全面了解分割模型性能,方便模型选型。

Bug Fix
* Fix the error of saving image in
* Fix GINet export bugs
* Remove flip_horizontal when aug_eval is True
* Replace item with numpy in segformer
* Add CocoStuff in
* Fix DICE format and a bug
* Solve the TRT inference problem when dynamic shape is not set
* Fix ENCNet export problem
* Fix weighted cross_entropy bug when 255 in label
* Fix CityscapesSOTA incompatibility in PaddlePaddle 2.2

New Contributors
* acdart made their first contribution in
* txyugood made their first contribution in
* CuberrChen made their first contribution in
* neonhuang made their first contribution in
* mmglove made their first contribution in
* justld made their first contribution in
* qianbin1989228 made their first contribution in
* JiehangXie made their first contribution in
* Fate-Sunshine made their first contribution in
* 0x45f made their first contribution in
* ucsk made their first contribution in
* louis-she made their first contribution in
* simuler made their first contribution in
* ETTR123 made their first contribution in
* JamesLim-sy made their first contribution in
* Thudjr made their first contribution in
* Mrwow made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:



* 发布交互式分割SOTA算法论文,EdgeFlow。
* 开源精细化分割Matting算法,DIM和MODNet。
* 新增分割模型压缩高阶功能,蒸馏和量化。
* 提供基于Paddle Inference的C++的分割模型预测指南。
* 提供Paddle Servering部署和导出ONNX模型的示例和指南。
* 新增经典模型SegNet,PointRend,图结构模型GINet,轻量级模型STDC,轻量级Transformer系列模型SegFormer。
* 新增损失函数:RMI Loss,Focal Loss,KL Loss,Detail Aggregate Loss, Point CE Loss。
* 支持自定义任意类别数量的color map,提升可视化效果。


* [1240]( 修复CrossEntropyLoss在加权情况下的值越界问题。
* [1219]( [#1385]( 修复未训练完完整epoch退出时,dataloader随机抛出段错误的问题。
* [1113]( 修复多进程dataloader在不同epoch下随机数种子相同的bug。


New Features
* Published a paper on interactive segmentation named **EdgeFlow**.
* Released two **Matting** algorithms, DIM and MODNet.
* Provided advanced features on segmentation model compression, **Knowledge Distillation** and “Molde Quantization”.
* Provided the model inference tutorial based on Paddle Inference and Paddle Serving.
* Provided the ONNX exporting tutorial, which allows cross-platform deployment.
* Added five models, **SegNet**, **PointRend**, **GINet**, **STDC**, **SegFormer**.
* Added RMI Loss,Focal Loss,KL Loss,Detail Aggregate Loss, Point CE Loss.
* Support customized color map.

Bug Fix
* [1240]( fix the problem of CrossEntropyLoss.
* [1219]( [#1385]( fix the segment problem of dataloader while exiting before a full epoch.
* [1113]( fix the problem of the same seed on multi-process dataloader.

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