* Add getter for pathway with reactions.
* Add metexploreviz_export script.
* Add script to create input for GNN from padmet or sbml.
* Add pathway_production in padmet exploration.
* Implement adding uniprot ids refs from protein-seq-ids-reduced-70.dat file in pgdb_to_padmet.
* Bug in `--enhance` functionality from pgdb_to_padmet, reaction IDs were put in dicOfNode instead of reactant IDs (issue 12). Add a test to check this.
* Check if output file is writable for sbmlGenerator.
* Fix issue with pvclust dendrogram using old reactions.tsv.
* Fix an issue with multiprocessing in prot2genomes.
* Fix numerous issues in visualisation scripts.
* Fix doc building.
* Replace `` and `setup.cfg` by `pyproject.toml`.
* Extract inchi from PGDB.
* Update add json + reactions options argument to consider json meneco output format and be able to extract other set of reactions than union (intersection, minimal, essential).