
Latest version: v0.1.6a1.post2

Safety actively analyzes 622838 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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To be released.



Released on May 15, 2018.

- New ``:groups:`` option to render argument groups. [by Lukas Atkinson]



Released on February 27, 2018.

- Fixed a :rst:dir`.. autoprogram::` bug that raises :exc:`AttributeError`
during build without ``:no_usage_codeblock:`` option on Python 2.
[:bbissue:`168`, :bbissue:`169`]
- Fixed an issue with Sphinx 1.7 which removed ``sphinx.util.compat``.
[:issue:`1`, :issue:`2` by Zach Riggle]



Released on October 7, 2016.

- Fixed a bug that descriptions with :class:`~argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter`
had been incorrectly formatted. [:bbpull:`123` by Aaron Meurer]
- Fixed crash when metavars is a tuple (i.e. for ``nargs > 1``).
[:bbpull:`112` by Alex Honeywell]
- Fixed usage string for subcommands (subcommands were previously showing
the top-level command usage). [:bbpull:`112` by Alex Honeywell]
- Added :ref:`new options <autoprogram-options>` to :rst:dir:`.. autoprogram::`
directive: [:bbpull:`112` by Alex Honeywell]

- ``maxdepth``
- ``no_usage_codeblock``
- ``start_command``
- ``strip_usage``

- Fixed suppressed arguments (using :const:`argparse.SUPPRESS` flag)
to become ignored. [:bbissue:`166`]



Released on August 18, 2015.

- Fixed crash with empty fields. [:bbissue:`110`]
- Fixed :exc:`ImportError` with non-module Python scripts (i.e. files not
ending with :file:`.py`). [:bbpull:`101` by Matteo Bachetti]



Released on April 22, 2014.

- Omit metavars of ``store_const``/``store_true``/``store_false`` options.
- Sort subcommands in alphabetical order if Python 2.6 which doesn't have

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