see the new jlink function option in create_gui, create_js_scene_view and create_jsmesh_view
- reworked jsgui for layout and initial options - changed id traittype to be hashable (not just int) and set defulat to uuid
- major changes to create gui - optional geometry - removed config_data specific - geometry passed to callback (not df) - opts_dd -> opts_choice, opts_slider -> opts_range - idcollection; added python representation (as pandas.Dataframe) and is now itterable - changed vector3 to trait type that accepts/transforms numpy arrays - atom module; added more functions, changed atom data
- Added GeometryObjects - triclinic, box, plane, ... - added default json mapping and class wrapper - Improved GUI builder - added perspective camera - added mouse hover - added more widget options (ddown, slider, color picker)