Aesthetic improvement:
Parfit now uses YlOrRd cmap by default because there is [research providing evidence]( that rainbow color maps can be harmful and difficult to interpret.
Parfit additionally allows the user to specify the matplotlib colormap of their choosing. Please see the [matplotlib colormap reference]( for options.
If you wish to still use the original colormap, specify `cmap='jet'` as a parameter when calling `bestFit` or `plotScores`.
Additionally, by default plotScores now always makes the "better" values the top end of the original scale and the "worse" values the bottom end of the original scale by reversing the colorscale based on the value of `greater_is_better`.
If you wish to flip the colorscale, add '_r' to the end of your cmap name. For example, `cmap='YlOrRd_r'` will flip the default scale such that yellow values are "better" and red values are "worse".