
Latest version: v0.15.2

Safety actively analyzes 623133 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Bug Fixes

- Fix range threshold selection of algorithms (1009)
- When run batch check if file extension is supported by loader (1016)
- Do not allow to select and render corrupted batch plans (1015)


- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `imagecodecs`, `ipykernel`, `magicgui`, `psygnal`, `scipy`, `superqt`, `tifffile` (1011)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `imageio`, `pyinstaller`, `tifffile` (1018)


- Use faster version of black (1010)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (1013)


Bug Fixes

- Fix possible problem of double registration napari plugin in PartSeg bundle (974)
- Bump OS versions for part of testing workflows. (977)
- Bump os version for main tests workflow. (979)
- Ensure that the module `PartSegCore.channel_class` is present in bundle (980)
- Lower npe2 schema version to work with older napari version (981)
- Generate test report per platfom (978)
- Importing plugins in bundle keeping proper module names (983)
- Fix napari repo workflow (985)
- Fix bug in read tiff files with double `Q` in axes but one related to dummy dimmension (992)
- Fix bug that lead to corupted state when saving calculation plan to excel file (995)
- Enable python 3.11 test on CI, fix minor errors (869)


- Allow to save multiple napari image layers to single tiff file (1000)
- Add option to export batch project with data (996)


- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `imageio`, `ipython`, `psygnal`, `scipy`, `sentry-sdk` (975)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `h5py`, `imagecodecs`, `imageio`, `ipykernel`, `napari`, `numpy`, `pandas`, `pydantic`, `pyinstaller`, `scipy`, `sentry-sdk`, `tifffile`, `vispy` (986)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `imagecodecs`, `sentry-sdk`, `tifffile` (997)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `ipykernel`, `pydantic` (1002)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `numpy`, `pygments`, `sentry-sdk`, `superqt` (1007)


- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (973)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (982)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (987)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (988)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (991)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (998)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (1004)
- Change markdown linter from pre-commit to mdformat (1006)


Bug Fixes

- Print all exceptions instead of the latest one in exception dialog (799)
- Fix ROIExtractionResult `__str__`and `__repr__` to use `ROIExtractionResult` not `SegmentationResult` (810)
- Fix code to address changes in the napari repository (817)
- Fix the problem with resize of multiline widgets (832)
- Fix tox configuration to run all required tests (840)
- Fix MSO `step_limit` description in GUI (843)
- Fix `redefined-while-unused`import code for python 3.9.7 (844)
- Fix warnings reported by Deepsource (846)
- Ensure that "ROI" layer is in the proper place for proper visualization (856)
- Fix tests of napari widgets (862)
- Fix build of the bundle for a new psygnal release (863)
- Fix minimal requirements pipeline (877)
- Fix bug with generation of form for the model with hidden field (920)
- Update pyinstaller configuration (926)
- Use text icon, not pixmap icon in colormap and labels list (938)
- Resolve warnings when testing custom save dialog. (941)
- Add padding zeros for component num when load Mask seg file to ROI GUI (944)
- Proper calculate bounds for watershed napari widget (969)
- Fix bug in the wrong order of axis saved in napari contribution (972)


- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades (824)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades (828)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `ipykernel`, `packaging` (838)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `imageio`, `ipykernel`, `napari`, `numpy`, `sentry` (850)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `imagecodecs`, `ipykernel`, `numpy`, `psygnal` (859)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `pydantic`, `pygments`, `xlsxwriter` (874)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `imageio`, `packaging`, `scipy`, `xlsxwriter` (878)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `ipykernel`, `requests`, `sentry`, `xlsxwriter` (884)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `h5py`, `imagecodecs`, `imageio`, `ipykernel`, `pandas`, `sentry`, `tifffile` (889)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `ipython`, `pyqt5` (893)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `imageio`, `ipykernel`, `ipython`, `numpy`, `openpyxl`, `psygnal`, `pydantic`, `pyinstaller`, `pyqt5`, `scipy`, `sentry-sdk`, `tifffile`, `xlsxwriter` (897)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `imageio`, `psygnal` (905)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `ipython`, `magicgui`, `scipy`, `sentry-sdk`, `tifffile` (906)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `imagecodecs`, `imageio`, `ipykernel`, `openpyxl`, `pydantic`, `pyinstaller`, `qtawesome`, `qtconsole`, `sentry-sdk`, `tifffile`, `xlsxwriter` (908)
- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `imageio`, `ipykernel`, `ipython`, `pandas`, `psygnal`, `pydantic`, `pygments`, `pyinstaller`, `qtpy`, `sentry-sdk`, `tifffile` (917)


- Update README and project metadata (805)


- Add `PARTSEG_SENTRY_URL` env variable support and basic documentation about error reporting (802)
- Allow to see underlying exception when show warning caused by exception (829)
- Add voxel size measurement and allow to overwrite voxel size in batch (853)
- Add alpha support for Qt6 (866)
- Add option to create projection alongside z-axis (919)
- Add napari image custom representation for better error report via sentry (861)
- Add import and export operation for labels and colormaps (936)
- Implement napari widgets for colormap and lables control (935)
- Add forget all button to multiple files widget (942)
- Do not abort processing whole mask segmentation project during exception on single component (943)
- Add distance based watersheed to flow methods (915)
- Add napari widgets for all group of algoritms (958)
- Add napari widget to copy lables along z-axis (968)

Miscellaneous Tasks

- Improve ruff configuration, remove isort (815)
- Use `fail_on_no_env` feature from `tox-gh-actions` (842)
- Add python 3.11 to list of supported versions (867)
- Disable python 3.11 test because of timeout (870)
- Bump ruff to 0.0.218, remove flake8 from pre-commit (880)
- Replace GabrielBB/xvfb-actionv1 by aganders3/headless-gui, part 2 (887)
- Better minimal requirements test (888)
- Improve regexp for proper generate list of packages in update report (894)
- Add check for PR title (933)
- Migrate from `nme` to `local_migrator` (951)


- Simplify and refactor github workflows. (864)
- Better load Mask project in Roi Analysis (921)
- Use more descriptive names in `pylint: disable` (922)
- Remove `pkg_resources` usage as it is deprecated (967)
- Convert napari plugin to npe2 (966)


- Bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 4 to 5 (928)


- Change default theme to dark, remove blinking windows on startup. (809)


- \[Automatic\] Dependency upgrades: `packaging`, `pyinstaller`, `pyopengl-accelerate`, `tifffile`, `xlsxwriter` (932)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `fonticon-fontawesome6`, `imageio`, `numpy`, `partsegcore-compiled-backend`, `pygments`, `sentry-sdk` (937)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `imageio`, `ipython`, `pandas`, `requests`, `sentry-sdk` (948)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `ipython`, `nme`, `qtconsole`, `requests`, `sentry-sdk` (955)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `ipykernel`, `local-migrator`, `pyinstaller`, `sentry-sdk`, `sympy` (957)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `sentry-sdk`, `xlsxwriter` (959)
- \[Automatic\] Constraints upgrades: `requests` (961)


- Update codecov configuration to wait on two reports before post information (934)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (945)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (956)
- \[\] pre-commit autoupdate (964)


Bug Fixes

- Fix bug when loading already created project causing hide of ROI layer (787)


- Improve error message if segmentation do not fit in ROI Mask (788)


Bug Fixes

- Fix scalebar color (774)
- Fix bug when saving segmentation parameters in mask analysis (781)
- Fix multiple errors related to loading a new file in interactive mode (784)


- Add an option for ensuring type in EventedDict and use it to validate profiles structures (776)
- Add an option to create an issue from the error report dialog (782)
- Add option for the multiline field in algorithm parameters (766)


- Optimize CLI actions (772)
- Clean warnings about threshold methods (783)


- Bump chanzuckerberg/napari-hub-preview-action from 0.1.5 to 0.1.6 (775)


Bug Fixes

- Fix `get_theme` calls to prepare for napari 0.4.17 (729)
- Fix sentry tests (742)
- Fix reporting error in load settings from the drive (725)
- Fix saving pipeline from GUI (756)
- Fix profile export/import dialogs (761)
- Enable the "Compare" button if ROI is available (765)
- Fix bug in cut with ROI to not make black artifacts (767)


- Load alternatives labeling when opening PartSeg projects in napari (731)
- Add option to toggle scale bar (733)
- Allow customizing the settings directory using the `PARTSEG_SETTINGS_DIR` environment variable (751)
- Separate recent algorithms from general application settings (752)
- Add multiple otsu as threshold method with selection range of components (710)
- Add function to load components from Mask Segmentation with a background in ROI Analysis (768)

Miscellaneous Tasks

- Prepare pyinstaller configuration for napari 0.4.17 (748)
- Add ruff linter (754)


- Add new build and inspect wheel action (747)


- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (716)
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 1 to 3 (709)

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