- added link to cache settings view in zmi
- now require Products.PlonePAS >= 5.0.4.
This is not the (current) version proposed by Plone 4.3, but is the version
suggested by plone4.csrffixes hotfix, so probably all Plone 4.3 must move
to this version in any case.
- fixed the manual creation of a PAS plugin instance from ZMI interface
- the PAS plugin now can be used only as *group provider*.
This means that you can now add users from other PAS plugins to SQL groups.
This is (for now?) limited to *users*: you can't add external groups to sql
- provided an optional ``setup`` script to be run on z3c.saconfig
- properly plugin initialization, with custom icon
- fix: ``getPropertiesForUser`` uses principals ``_properties`` mapping now
to map to the column used for ``zope_id`` id this is needed.
- do not expect a configured database connection on plugin install time in
order to play nice with collective.saconnect. Also be less verbose if there
is no connection configured.
- fix: different custom setup un-/install marker for install and uninstall
- Standardize name of installation profile to ``default``.
- modernized: Pep8, Travis CI, ...
- using _get_principal_by_id to get principal in doChangeUser,
doDeleteUser, and allowPasswordSet methods
- using '__mapper__' instead of '__table__' to check Column type.
It allows to customize user model in another class with
- fixed getPropertiesForUser, return None if principal doesn't exist
- check if principal exists before updating its properties
- Fixed methods ``doSetProperty`` and ``setPropertiesForUser`` such
that they accept a generic principal and not necessarily an instance
of the plugin's principal class.
- Wrap user properties in an actually mutable user property sheet
(which writes changes back to the plugin). Previously, a mutable
property sheet was returned, but this is incorrect since changes
aren't persisted.
While the PAS interface specifies that a dict should be returned for
an immutable result, we opt for a hybrid: a dict-aware user property
sheet which does not promise mutability. The motivation is that the
pluggable authentication service only supports a select list of
property value types and not, for instance, Python's own date and
time classes. By returning a property sheet, we can provide a schema
explicitly and not force the authentication service to "guess"
(infer) it.