- Multiprocessing with `spawn` for different OS systems to prevent hangs on Linux.
- Using constant values as defaults params of class methods or functions instead of `global_settings[xxx]` values. Using `global_settings[xxx]` values as defaults params does not update once `global_settings` changes, this is dangerous.
- Testing on Python 3.10
- `fixed_sequence_len` with padding zeros for sequence models.
- GUI: it is able to delete tasks in the task queue.
- `user_defined_modifications` in `peptdeep/constants/global_settings.yaml` for CLI and GUI, it allows us to define our own modifications.
- `other_modification_mapping` in `peptdeep/constants/global_settings.yaml` for CLI and GUI, it allows us to read arbitrary PTMs from other search engines.
- `special_mods` in global_settings for special modifications like GlyGlyK or Phospho.
- `labeling_channels` in global_settings.
- MS2/RT/CCS models for Dimethyl-labeled peptides, see
- "No match found for given type params" for `IntPtr.__overloads__[Int64]` in `pythonnet>=3` for `DotNetArrayToNPArray()`, see