Initial support to incorporate view creation and use alongside Sqlalchemy. * Support for View classes that emit creation/drop DDL. * Automatically recognize View dependencies from the selectable query that generates the view. * Add helper to create schemas before creating a MetaData's table objects.
* Trigger statement compilers for "before row update" and "drop trigger." * Declarative base audit mixin for appending a created_at and updated_at in UTC on the server side.
Add function to generate insert when the primary key doesn't exist, otherwise, update for a sqlalchemy table.
Helper query builder to delete records in a table when a refresh statement or table does not have rows existing via the source table's primary key columns.
- Helpers to compile Sqlalchemy expressions to strings.
- Helper for quickly querying a table's row count with an optional conditional argument. Can be used to verify if third-party data refreshed properly.