* Ask for confirmation when quitting cli while a transaction is ongoing.
* New `destructive_statements_require_transaction` config option to refuse to execute a
destructive SQL statement if outside a transaction. This option is off by default.
* Changed the `destructive_warning` config to be a list of commands that are considered
destructive. This would allow you to be warned on `create`, `grant`, or `insert` queries.
* Destructive warnings will now include the alias dsn connection string name if provided (-D option).
* pgcli.magic will now work with connection URLs that use TLS client certificates for authentication
* Have config option to retry queries on operational errors like connections being lost.
Also prevents getting stuck in a retry loop.
* Config option to not restart connection when cancelling a `destructive_warning` query. By default,
it will now not restart.
* Config option to always run with a single connection.
* Add comment explaining default LESS environment variable behavior and change example pager setting.
* Added `\echo` & `\qecho` special commands. ([issue 1335](https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli/issues/1335)).
Bug fixes:
* Fix `\ev` not producing a correctly quoted "schema"."view"
* Fix 'invalid connection option "dsn"' ([issue 1373](https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli/issues/1373)).
* Fix explain mode when used with `expand`, `auto_expand`, or `--explain-vertical-output` ([issue 1393](https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli/issues/1393)).
* Fix sql-insert format emits NULL as 'None' ([issue 1408](https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli/issues/1408)).
* Improve check for prompt-toolkit 3.0.6 ([issue 1416](https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli/issues/1416)).
* Allow specifying an `alias_map_file` in the config that will use
predetermined table aliases instead of generating aliases programmatically on
the fly
* Fixed SQL error when there is a comment on the first line: ([issue 1403](https://github.com/dbcli/pgcli/issues/1403))
* Fix wrong usage of prompt instead of confirm when confirm execution of destructive query
* Drop support for Python 3.7 and add 3.12.