
Latest version: v0.1.1

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This is a maintenance release which corrects a bug first reported against Blinkt! where on a loaded Pi 3B+ the LEDs would flicker erratically. This only applies to the Python library.


* Bugfix: Deferred initialisation to prevent import side-effects
* Bugfix: Implemented EOF for newer APA102 part


A small maintenance release for pHAT BEAT. This release introduces the `hold` method which allows you to trigger a handler when a button is held down for a length of time.

It also adds optional threading for button handlers, allowing the library to successfully handle multiple simultaneous button presses. Instances where you'll need this are probably few and far between, but it's there if you need it.

Finally, a bug fix corrects the order of the second bar of pixels so that they both run from 0-7 in the same direction. This might trip you up if you've already written code for pHAT BEAT 0.0.1, but should hopefully mean you can remove your own hacks if you added any!

* Bugfix: Corrected (reversed) order of pixels in second bar
* New: Optional threading for button handlers
* New: Added hold() to attach a handler to a button hold event


Initial release.



Has known vulnerabilities

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