* Add support for the purifier's plaintext `/sys/dev/info` where the purifier seems to respond quickly. * Persistent Client: Use the *info* endpoint for keeping the UDP stream alive across NATs, by running one request per minute. * Persistent Client: Use the *info* endpoint for connection tests. The *info* endpoint responds quickly more reliably than the previously used *status* endpoint. * Persistent Client: Increase the timeout for *status* observations to 10 minutes to reduce chances of reconnecting although the purifier is still available. This is mostly relevant when the device is turned off.
* Add type annotations, verified by mypy in strict mode. * Add linters black, flake8, isort and run them on GitHub Actions.
* Add an auto-reconnecting client mapping to Python data structures resulting in a much simpler, although incomplete API.
* Removed a monkey patch for aiocoap's `MessageManager._deduplicate_message`. The patch might conflict with other libraries using aiocoap and testing didn't result in any issues without the patch.
* Forked [betaboon's aioairctrl project](https://github.com/betaboon/aioairctrl). * Renamed from aioairctrl to phipsair. * Minor cleanups.