+ Added compiled PartitionFinder2 (MAC and Window only), which doesn't rely on Python 2.7 any more
+ Optimized plugins download and configuration, and added a demo tutorial for this (https://dongzhang0725.github.io/dongzhang0725.github.io/PhyloSuite-demo/how-to-configure-plugins/)
+ Fixed a bug that caused MAFFT to crash
+ Fixed bugs in "Concatenation", "Search in NCBI", and "Fasta file import" functions
+ Made a homepage for PhyloSuite (https://dongzhang0725.github.io)
+ Added a funtion to clear "misc_feature" in "Standardization" function
+ Fixed a bug that caused IQ-TREE and MrBayes to fail recognizing the outgroup
+ Added a function to draw a linear figure in "Concatenation"
+ Added the ability to allow mutiple results of each function, instead of overwriting them
+ Added a function to reconstruct phylogenetic trees in batches using IQ-TREE
+ Added a function to search sequences in the nucleotide and protein databases of NCBI
+ Optimized and upgraded the function of input files into PhyloSuite, see https://dongzhang0725.github.io/dongzhang0725.github.io/PhyloSuite-demo/five_ways_to_import/
+ Added a multi-thread MrBayes run option to the Linux version
+ Enabled the Flowchart function to save different settings as workflow
+ Allowed spaces in the software and workplace paths
+ Changed the interfaces of some functions
+ Enabled MrBayes to infer the tree at any generation
+ Enabled user to customize the sequence name when extracting sequence