Added - The artefacts module now has a method to get files from .tar.gz archives. To make use of this artefact classes must expose a variable named extension (see the code for artefacts.Textfile for an example.
- now optionally accepts a Sentry.IO client that will be used to log exceptions.
Added - The SQLDatabase recorder can now store the entire result dictionary to e.g. a JSONB column in a PostgreSQL database.
Changed - pytest is now used instead of py.test where applicable. - Functions decorated with record can now be used outside a pipeline.
Added - Artefacts will now check whether their file exists on initialization and raise an exception if it doesn't (this hcheck can be disabled).
Changed - Now passes pydocstyle checks. - The VERSION file is now the single source for the version number in documentation, __version__ and
Changed - Calls made by recorded functions are now stored and serialized as lists so that functions using multiple commands are correctly described.
Changed - Renamed Artefact.basename to Artefact.justname and modified Artefact.basename to include directory components.