* Fix ``pizero_gpslog.extradata.gq_gmc500plus:GqGMC500plus`` to handle disconnect/reconnect of USB device. * Add support for the Adafruit 4567 OLED display. * Major refactor of display support; instead of taking a list of lines, ``BaseDisplay`` subclasses now take separate values for each piece of data that can be displayed and are free to format them however works best for that particular display.
* Update README for current Raspberry Pi OS install instructions * Add ``setup_pi.sh`` setup script, based on the one at https://github.com/jantman/pi2graphite/blob/master/setup_raspbian.sh * Add development documentation * Add support for displays. Begin with the Waveshare 2.13-inch e-Ink Display Hat B; allow users to implement their own display driver classes. * Implement support for extra data providers.
* Merge `PR 5 <https://github.com/jantman/pizero-gpslog/pull/5>`__ to have converter ignore corrupt lines. Thanks to `markus-k <https://github.com/markus-k>`__. * Use TravisCI for releases; document release process * PEP8 fixes
* Refactor ``pizero-gpslog-convert`` to allow use from other Python programs.
* ``pizero-gpslog-convert`` - Handle logs that are missing altitude (``alt``) from TPV reports by falling back to GST altitude, the previous altitude measurement, or 0.0 (in that order).
* Log version at startup * RPi RTC fix - don't start writing output until we have a fix; use GPS time instead of system time for filename * Numerous bugfixes in ``converter.py`` * README fixes