- tree-sitter-bash: use and bundle the latest version of the bash grammar. This
version is capable to parse all the bash code that was used in gentoo
repository, meaning various false positives or parsing errors were fixed.
(Arthur Zamarin)
- git addon: pass options to disable finding copies (Sam James, 618)
- git addon: add helping message on failure of git remote setup (Arthur
Zamarin, 608)
**New checks:**
- VariableScopeCheck: add check for usage of prohibited variables in global
scope (Arthur Zamarin, 607)
- VariableScopeCheck: BROOT is allowed also in ``pkg_{pre,post}{inst,rm}``
(Ulrich Müller, 609)
- GlobDistdir: check for unsafe filename expansion with ``${DISTDIR}`` (Arthur
Zamarin, 610)
- EclassManualDepsCheck: check for missing manual deps for specific eclasses
(Arthur Zamarin, 616)
- UnstableSrcUri: check for known unstable ``SRC_URI`` sources (Arthur Zamarin,
- network: add codeberg remote-id (Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen, 620)
- EmptyGlobalAssignment: check for empty global assignments (Arthur Zamarin,
- SelfAssignment: check for global scope self assignments (Arthur Zamarin, 629)
- BannedPhaseCall: detect calls of phase functions directly in ebuilds (Arthur
Zamarin, 627)
- VariableShadowed: check to detect shadowed variable assignments (Arthur
Zamarin, 623)
- DuplicateFunctionDefinition: check for duplicate global functions (Arthur
Zamarin, 624)
- BannedEapiCommand: also check for ``has_version --host-root`` and
``best_version --host-root`` in EAPI>=7 (Arthur Zamarin, 630)
- BannedEapiCommand: add some extra user and group commands (Arthur Zamarin)
**Fixed bugs:**
- RedundantLongDescription: lower too short threshold (Arthur Zamarin, 614)
- tests.test_pkgcheck_scan: fix issues with xdist testing (Arthur Zamarin)