What's Changed
* Automatically update matplotlib transform involving `xy` coordinates when any disc parameters are changed by ortk95 in https://github.com/ortk95/planetmapper/pull/390
* Added planetocentric coordinates and limb/ring distances to click location coordinates in the GUI by ortk95 in https://github.com/ortk95/planetmapper/pull/392
* Add method to get wavelength array from an Observation's FITS Header, and add wavelength label to GUI settings tab by ortk95 in https://github.com/ortk95/planetmapper/pull/393
* Add option to choose between planetographic and planetocentric coordinates when plotting gridlines in the GUI by ortk95 in https://github.com/ortk95/planetmapper/pull/395
* Update version by ortk95 in https://github.com/ortk95/planetmapper/pull/396
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ortk95/planetmapper/compare/v1.11.2...v1.12.0