- This release includes the`java` code originally used for evaluating results at the time of the **[BIC](https://www.bioimagecomputing.com/)** workshop submission
- Additionally, it includes the equivalent `python` code used and the first attempts of deploying it in `napari`
- The entire `Platynereis dataset` for which results were reported in the publication is included as release assets here.
- Directory `01-insitus` contains confocal images of 12 independent specimens (labeled as `02`, `04`, `05`, `06`, `07`, `08`, `10`, `11`, `12`, `13`, `14` and `16`). Additionally nuclei centroids and locations of 12 keypoints are provided for each specimen
- Directory `02-live` contains 12 static snapshots of a live embryo (again labeled as `02`, `04`, `05`, `06`, `07`, `08`, `10`, `11`, `12`, `13`, `14` and `16`), imaged under light sheet microscopy. Additionally nuclei centroids and locations of 12 keypoints are provided for each snapshot
- Folder with the same name in the two modalities have equivalent development age and should be registered with each other
- All detections and keypoints are available in isotropic global coordinates as csv files are are specified in the column order `xyz`
- In `v0.0.2`, the `python` code gets further refactored