
Latest version: v1.3.1

Safety actively analyzes 665899 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- [[344](]: removed
`marshmallow_dataclass` dependency. That package isn't included in the
package managers of any supported distros and requires to be installed via
pip. Making the Platypush' system packages depend on a pip-only package is
not a good idea. Plus, the library seems to be still in heavy development and
it has already broken compatibility with at least the `system` package.


- [[333](]: new file
browser UI/component. It includes custom MIME type support, a file editor
with syntax highlight, file download and file upload.

- [[341](]:
procedures are now native entities that can be managed from the entities panel.
A new versatile procedure editor has also been added, with support for nested
blocks, conditions, loops, variables, context autocomplete, and more.

- [`procedure`]: Added the following features to YAML/structured procedures:

- `set`: to set variables whose scope is limited to the procedure / code
block where they are created. `variable.set` is useful to permanently
store variables on the db, `variable.mset` is useful to set temporary
global variables in memory through Redis, but sometimes you may just want
to assign a value to a variable that only needs to live within a procedure,
event hook or cron.

- set:
foo: bar
temperature: ${output.get('temperature')}

- `return` can now return values too when invoked within a procedure:

- return: something
- return: "Result: ${output.get('response')}"

- The default logging format is now much more compact. The full body of events
and requests is no longer included by default in `info` mode - instead, a
summary with the message type, ID and response time is logged. The full
payloads can still be logged by enabling `debug` logs through e.g. `-v`.


- [[422](]: adapted
media plugins to support streaming from the yt-dlp process. This allows
videos to have merged audio+video even if they had separate tracks upstream.

- [`media.*`] Many improvements on the media UI.

- [`zigbee.mqtt`] Removed synchronous logic from `zigbee.mqtt.device_set`. It
was prone to timeouts as well as pointless - the updated device state will
anyway be received as an event.


- Fixed regression on older version of Python that don't fully support
`pyproject.toml` and can't install data files the new way.


- Added static `/login` and `/register` Flask fallback routes to prevent 404 if
the client doesn't have JavaScript enabled.

- Fixed `apt` packages for Debian oldstable after the `` to
`pyproject.toml` migration.

- Fixed license string in the `pyproject.toml`.


- [419]( added
support for randomly generated API tokens alongside JWT.

- [339]( added
support for 2FA with OTP codes.

- [393]( added
`bind_socket` parameter to `backend.http`, so Platypush can listen on (or
exclusively if `listen_port` is null) on a local UNIX socket as well.

- [401]( added
`--redis-bin` option / `PLATYPUSH_REDIS_BIN` environment variable to support
custom Redis (or drop-in replacements) executables when `--start-redis` is

- [413]( added
support for page-specific PWAs. If you navigate to `/plugin/<plugin-name>`,
and you install it as a PWA, you'll install a PWA only for that plugin - not
for the whole Platypush UI.

- Migrated project setup from `` to `pyproject.toml`.

- [`70db33b4e`](
more application resilience in case Redis goes down.

- [`ee27b2c4`](
Refactor of all the authentication endpoints into a single `/auth` endpoint:

- `POST /register` → `POST /auth?type=register`
- `POST /login` → `POST /auth?type=login`
- `POST /auth` → `POST /auth?type=token`
- `POST /auth` → `POST /auth?type=jwt`

- [`2ccf0050`](
Added support for binary content to `qrcode.generate`.

- [`b69e9500`](
Support for fullscreen mode on the `camera` plugins UI.

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