
Latest version: v0.7.1

Safety actively analyzes 702276 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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**Travis CI**
- Fixed installation issue when building tags


- Updated tests to support the latest :code:`Guid` changes


- Guid
- Implemented new :code:`Guid` agent mapper
- Support for strict guid parsing
- :code:`Guid.parse()` will now always return a :code:`Guid` object, use the :code:`Guid.valid` property to check validity
- Properties
- :code:`agent_id`
- :code:`id`
- :code:`invalid`
- :code:`language`
- :code:`matched`
- :code:`original`
- :code:`service`
- :code:`valid`
- :code:`value`
- Agent Mappings:
- :code:`com.arendshome.plex.agents.personalmedia`
- :code:`com.plexapp.agents.AlloCine`
- :code:`com.plexapp.agents.anidb`
- :code:`com.plexapp.agents.cinepassion`
- :code:`com.plexapp.agents.filmaffinity`
- :code:`com.plexapp.agents.hama` *(anidb, imdb, tmdb, tvdb, tvdb2, tvdb3)*
- :code:`com.plexapp.agents.kinopoisk`
- :code:`com.plexapp.agents.kinopoiskru`
- :code:`com.plexapp.agents.kinopoiskrushow`
- :code:``
- :code:`net.devvsbugs.coding.plex.myanimelist`
- :code:`net.fribbtastic.coding.plex.myanimelist`

- Metadata
- Ensure the "key" provided to the :code:`fetch()` method is an integer
- Removed some unneeded logger messages


- Reduced severity of :code:`Item ... with type "..." has been ignored` message
- Updated travis configuration (python: dropped 3.2, added 3.4 and 3.5)

- Episode range size is now limited in the matcher to avoid cpu/memory exhaustion


- [guid] :code:`Guid.__repr__()` and :code:`Guid.__str__()` methods
- [matcher] :code:`Matcher.set_caper()` and :code:`Matcher.set_extend()` methods

- [library] :code:`Library.episodes()` now prefers real :code:`Episode` objects over multi-episode duplicates
- [library] Return :code:`None` from :code:`Library.all()` if the request fails
- [metadata] only cache metadata with a valid guid
- [metadata] cache unsupported items as :code:`False` to avoid refreshing on every request
- [metadata] return :code:`False` on unsupported media

- Issue handling invalid guids


- Setup travis-ci testing and coverage (via coveralls)
- [library] display a warning when :code:`Library.item_map()` fails due to a invalid/missing "guid" property
- [library] exclude sections without an agent
- [metadata] automatically invalidate media with invalid/missing "guid" properties
- [tests] added unit tests for :code:`plex_metadata.guid` and :code:`plex_metadata.matcher`

- Python 3.x compatibility issues
- [guid] parsing bug on Python 2.6
- [guid] :code:`Guid.map_guid()` could return an invalid return type in some cases
- [library] possible case where :code:`Guid.parse()` returns :code:`None`
- [library] handle a case where :code:`Metadata.get()` returns :code:`None`
- [matcher] catch an error where episodes have no "media" or "parts"
- [matcher] handle a case where :code:`Caper.parse()` returns :code:`None`
- [metadata] catch metadata request failures

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