- Supports XML response. Use the request parameter `asxml=1` or set the request `Accept` header to `application/xml`
- https://github.com/collective/plone.jsonapi.core/issues/21 Support file streams. Use the request parameter `asbinary=1` or set the request `Accept` header to `application/zip`
- https://github.com/collective/plone.jsonapi.core/issues/22 Do not store the request on the router upon initialization
- https://github.com/collective/plone.jsonapi.core/issues/17 Print out Traceback's to the console and not back to the client
- https://github.com/collective/plone.jsonapi.core/pull/14 use ``urlsplit(request.get("ACTUAL_URL", "")).netloc`` to get the hostname
- added more tests
- changed info to debug logging to reduce verbosity
- smoe minor code cleanup
- https://github.com/ramonski/plone.jsonapi.core/issues/10 add the traceback to the response when an error occurs - https://github.com/ramonski/plone.jsonapi.core/issues/7 started with doctests
- renamed package to `plone.jsonapi.core` due to namespace conflicts with `plone.jsonapi.routes` - removed default plone route configuration. - added `version` route - changed the `url_for` method of the router to provide correct urls for virtual hosting.
- Router implementation updated to support decorated functions as route providers.