- deactivate robot tests in this package and move the tests to Products.CMFPlone 1letter (224)
Breaking changes:
- Make this package deprecated. Widget base classes moved to ``plone.app.z3cform.widgets.patterns``. Also see ``plone.app.widgets.utils`` for information about moving utility methods to their new location. [petschki] (220)
Bug fixes:
- Depend on plone.base (222)
Bug fixes:
- Final release for Plone 6.0.0. Note that new code should not use this package, if possible. Prefer using code from ``plone.app.z3cform``. But some code still needs to be moved there, see `issue 220 <https://github.com/plone/plone.app.widgets/issues/220>`_. [maurits] (600)