* update changelog, release [gyst]
* provide a virtualenv-enabled Travis buildout that can be debugged on a dev box [gyst]
* re-activate code analysis tests (but only on plonesocial.suite itself) [gyst]
* Added locales and i18n extract script [macagua]
* Added more improvements about i18n support [macagua]
* Updated contributors file [macagua]
* Updated changelog file [macagua]
* disable pep8/pyflakes for now [gyst]
* fix packages to be tested [hvelarde]
* pep8/pyflakes [hvelarde]
* update Travis CI configuration to include pep8/pyflakes testing [hvelarde]
* oops we do need test-eggs [gyst]
* ignore dist [gyst]
* move sources into ./src/ to enable multi-package tests on Travis [gyst]
* update location of extended configuration as the plonetest repo was moved to GitHub [hvelarde]
* update list of ignored objects [hvelarde]
* Cannot get multi-package tests to work with Travis [gyst]
* let Travis run the full cross-integrated test suite [gyst]
* cleanup, bump version, update docs [gyst]
* add Travis CI configuration [hvelarde]