- Added E-Mail basic support.
The support includes the notification and creation or modifying (adding
comments) of tasks. Further modification of other attributes are currently
not supported.
1. Creation:
You can now create new tasks by sending an email to a specific email
address. The subject of the mail will be used as name of the new task. The
body of the email will be used as the initial comment of the task.
2. Modifying:
You can reply to a message from plorma. The body of the message will be used
as new comment in the task.
3. Notification
Every time a new comment is added to a task a notfication email is sent to
all users in the nosy list. The current user will be added to the nosy list
if he isn't already in it.
See documentation for more details.
- Added search filter to hide closed tasks (Requires current Ringo version >=
- Added Input field in the footer to allow users to enter the id of a task
and open it directly.