``Tue May 21, 2013``
- scaffold source files must not end with .py, as python module, this will
throw errors while installing them via `pip`. To solve this problem,
.py files are suffixed with .tmpl, and utils.scaff module will remove the
suffix before creating the scaffold logic in target directory.
- Sub command `confdoc` is added to automatically generate a catalog of
configuration settings for plugins in pluggdapps, or any other, package.
- A new alias for `query_plugin()`, as `qp()`,
and `query_plugins()`, as `qps()` is now available.
- Cleaned up and refactored platform boot sequence.
- First all pluggdapps-packages are gathered from the environment.
- Then gathered packages are loaded.
- And during platform boot-time, package entry-point is called.
- added namespace for plugins. Every plugin name can be queried and accessed
by prefixing its class-name with package name. This is not the canonical
form for plugin-names. For example, plugin `ConfigSqlite3DB` defined
in pluggdapps package is to be accessed as, `pluggdapps.ConfigSqlite3DB`.
- Every instantiated plugin will now have a `caname` attribute that provides
the canonical name of the plugin. This is automatically populated by
component-arch during plugin instantiation.
- `query_plugin()` and `query_plugins()` method calls now supports `interface`
argument as string of interface-name, specified in canonical-form.
- `plugincall()`, `pluginname()` function is removed and `canonical_name()`
function is added in pluggdapps.plugin module. Note that `canonical_name()`
function is meant to be called only by logic inside PluginMeta class.
- `pluggdapps.initialize()` is now `pluggdapps.callpackages()`.
- platform.Pluggdapps class has `_preboot()` local method to handle pre-booting
- Moved sphinx-documentation to docs/ directory. It is more work to manage two
separate versions of documentation. All articles under docs/ directory are
active and publishable, while documentation that are more specific to
internals of pluggdapps are under docs/dev/ directory.