This tool is an add-on to the porder tool, so read about the project here and make sure you take additional installation steps before starting with this. This tool fits the need to order large orders in terms of spatial and temporal grids, splitting them into smaller manageable orders while keeping in mind the concurrency limits(number of orders you can place simultaneously). In this case, the user sets a concurrency limit, and the tool automatically checks and waits before placing the next order. The tool can also estimate order size in terms of bytes per order download. The last step is to perform the same, download using porder's downloaders and an order list as created by multiorder tools. The design of this tool is kept simple, meaning you are relying on mixed use or porder and pobatch to perform these operations. Ordersv2 is the next iteration of Planet's API in getting Analysis Ready Data (ARD) delivered to you. Orders v2 allows you to improved functionality in this domain, including the capability to submit an number of images in a batch order, and perform operations such as top of atmospheric reflectance, compression, coregistration and also enhanced notifications such as email and webhooks.