
Latest version: v3.1.2.1

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* Updated CRIO_COMMIT to pull in new conmon for CRIU
* Use also a struct to pass options to Restore()
* _split_token(): handle None
* Use host's resolv.conf if no network namespace enabled
* rootless: add new netmode "slirp4netns"
* tests: change return type for PodmanAsUser to PodmanTestIntegration
* test: cleanup CNI network used by the tests
* exec: don't wait for pidfile when the runtime exited
* Remove mount options relatime from podman run --mount with shared
* Update test case name to podman run with --mount flag
* Add some tests for --ip flag with run and create command
* Add history and namespaceoptions to image inspect
* add podman container|image exists
* set root propagation based on volume properties
* Actually set version for podman module / pypodman
* implement --format for version command
* podman_tutorial.md typos: arguement -> argument; missing 'a'
* Load NAT modules to fix tests involving CRIU
* Vendor in latest containers/buildah
* Update checkpoint/restore man pages
* Added option to keep containers running after checkpointing
* Use a struct to pass options to Checkpoint()
* exec: always make explicit the tty value
* Allow users to expose ports from the pod to the host
* Improve speed of containers.list()
* output libpod container to kubernetes yaml
* rootless: create empty mounts.conf if it doesn't exist
* registries: check user registries file only in rootless mode
* rootless: create storage.conf when it doesn't exist
* rootless: create libpod.conf when it doesn't exist
* Don't use $HOST and $USER variables for remote
* Implement pypodman start command
* runlabel: use shlex for splitting commands
* Add a rule to compile system test in Makefile
* Fix no-new-privileges test
* The system test write with ginkgo
* Separate common used test functions and structs to test/utils
* Add version command to pypodman
* Bump gitvalidation epoch
* Bump to v0.11.2-dev
* Cirrus: Add documentation for system-testing
* Cirrus: Simplify optional system-test script
* Cirrus: Reveal magic, parallel system-testing
* libpod should know if the network is disabled
* Lint: Silence few given goconst lint warnings
* Lint: Extract constant unknownPackage
* Lint: Tests: add missing assertions
* Lint: Do not ignore errors from docker run command when selinux enabled
* Lint: InspectImage varlink api should return errors that occurred
* Lint: Exclude autogenerated files from lint test
* Lint: Update metalinter dependency
* Set --force-rm for podman build to true by default
* Vendor in latest containers/storage

- Changelog for v0.11.1.1 (2018-11-15)
* Vendor in containers/storage


* Rename AutocompletePortCommand func
* Allow podman push to push manifest lists
* [CI:DOCS]Add README.md for golang bindings
* Turn on podman pod stats test for rootless cgroup v2
* Fix missing podman-container-rename man page link
* Container rename bindings
* Bump to containers/buildah 1.9.2
* Bump github.com/google/uuid from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5
* specgen: improve heuristic for /sys bind mount
* Initial implementation of renaming containers
* Add tests for volume plugins
* Initial implementation of volume plugins
* [CI:DOCS] Add hook-script example to get_ci_vm.sh
* Makefile: add target to generate bindings
* container stop: release lock before calling the runtime
* Bump github.com/cri-o/ocicni to latest master
* Cirrus: Upd. ext. service check host list
* Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.20.1 to 0.20.2
* Bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.6.1 to 1.7.0
* Cirrus: Utilize $GOPATH cache for alt_build task
* Add more information and examples on podman and pipes
* Vendor in common 0.33.1
* CI: fix broken diagnostic message for -dev check
* test: use stringid.GenerateNonCryptoID() in more tests
* network: disallow CNI networks with user namespaces
* Reduce general binding binary size
* play kube: set entrypoint when interpreting Command
* Fxes /etc/hosts duplicated every time after container restarted in a pod
* Add 'MemUsageBytes' format option
* Remove the ability to use [name:tag] in podman load command
* More /var/run -> /run
* More /var/run -> /run
* Exorcise Driver code from libpod/define
* Fix problems reported by staticcheck
* Expose security attribute errors with their own messages
* oci: use /proc/self/fd/FD to open unix socket
* Use HTTPProxy settings from containers.conf
* Cirrus: Add cross-compile test for alternative arches
* image list: ignore bare manifest list
* Ensure that `podman play kube` actually reports errors
* Bump github.com/containers/storage from 1.24.4 to 1.24.5
* oci: keep LC_ env variables to conmon
* Better test and idomatic code.
* add pre checkpoint
* podman build --force-rm defaults to true in code
* Adding json formatting to `--list-tags` option in `podman search` command.
* Use abi PodPs implementation for libpod/pods/json endpoint
* Add Networks format placeholder to podman ps and pod ps
* Add network filter for podman ps and pod ps
* Improve error message when the the podman service is not enabled
* Restore compatible API for prune endpoints
* Cirrus: Skip most tests on tag-push
* Add mips architecture to the cross build target
* Fix build for mips architecture follow-up
* Handle podman exec capabilities correctly
* Containers should not get inheritable caps by default
* Make podman generate systemd --new flag parsing more robust
* Switch references of /var/run -> /run
* rootless: automatically split userns ranges
* rootless: add function to retrieve uid mappings
* rootless: add function to retrieve gid mappings
* test: Add checkpoint/restore with volumes
* Include named volumes in container migration
* Use Options as CRImportCheckpoint() argument
* Use Options as exportCheckpoint() argument
* Fix podman logs read partial log lines
* Revert e6fbc15f26b2a609936dfc11732037c70ee14cba
* Cirrus: Update Fedora & Ubuntu images
* Ensure that user-specified HOSTNAME is honored
* generate systemd: do not set `KillMode`
* Bump github.com/google/uuid from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4
* vendor containers/psgov1.5.2
* Add default sysctls for pod infra containers
* Ensure we do not edit container config in Exec
* close journald when reading
* libpod API: pull: fix channel race
* Allow image errors to bubble up from lower level functions.
* test: fix variable name
* systemd: make rundir always accessible
* podman-remote fix sending tar content
* fix: disable seccomp by default when privileged.
* Compat api containers/json add support for filters
* Bump github.com/google/uuid from 1.1.2 to 1.1.3
* Expose Height/Width fields to decoder
* Rework pruning to report reclaimed space
* Add support for Gentoo file to package query
* The slirp4netns sandbox requires pivot_root
* Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs`
* readme: Remove broken link
* Fix e2e test for `podman build --logfile`
* test: fix variables name
* exec: honor --privileged
* libpod: change function to accept ExecOptions
* Consolidate filter logic to pkg subdirectory
* sort api endpoints in documentation
* libpod: handle single user mapped as root
* Refactor kube.ToSpecGen parameters to struct
* re-open container log files
* Set NetNS mode instead of value
* add --cidfile to container kill
* Document uid/gidmap are based on subuid/gid mapping
* Bump github.com/containers/storage from 1.24.3 to 1.24.4
* Fix podman build --logfile
* Fix missing options in volumes display while setting uid and gid
* Spelling
* play kube: fix args/command handling
* Pass down EnableKeyring from containers.conf to conmon
* Prefer read/write images over read/only images
* add pod filter for ps
* Add Security information to podman info
* Add volume filters to system prune
* podman v3 container bindings
* Fix build for mips architecture
* Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.20.0 to 0.20.1
* Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs`
* Document location of backend events file
* Fix support for rpmbuild < 4.12.0.
* system tests: set PODMAN_TIMEOUT to 120
* remote copy
* Bump github.com/containers/common from 0.31.0 to 0.31.1
* podman v3 pod bindings
* [CI:DOCS] Bump version on readme
* misc bindings to podman v3
* Docker compat API - /images/search returns wrong structure (7857)
* Close the stdin/tty when using podman as a restAPI.
* Add support for pacman package version query
* Don't accidently remove XDG_RUNTIME_DIR when reseting storage
* Always add the default gateway to the cni config file
* System tests: better diagnostics in completion test
* Bump github.com/opencontainers/selinux from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0
* podman.service should be an exec service not a notify service
* Fix: unpause not supported for CGv1 rootless
* Disable incompatible rootless + CGroupsV1 tests
* Disable rootless pod stats tests w/ CgroupV1
* Disable CGv1 pod stats on net=host post
* Disable pod stats tests in containerized Fedora w/ CGroupsV1
* Disable blkio.weight test on Ubuntu
* Cirrus: Add support for Ubuntu 20.x
* Add LogSize to container inspect
* Podman image bindings for 3.0
* contrib: drop mirror.chpc.utah.edu:443
* libpod, conmon: change log level for rootless
* Clean up temporary file.
* Allow users to specify TMPDIR in containers.conf
* system tests: the catch-up game
* RHEL gating tests: more journald exceptions
* Add volume prune --filter support
* shell completion for the network flag
* podman events allow future time for --until
* Sign multi-arch images
* add compose test descriptions
* test-compose: rewrite to new subdir form
* add compose regression to ci
* WIP: test docker-compose
* podman: drop checking valid rootless UID
* Cleanup CNI Networks on reboot
* Fix some network compat api problems
* Fix Wrong image tag is used when creating a container from an image with multiple tags
* Handle --rm when starting a container
* Refine public key usage when remote
* podman logs honor stderr correctly
* Bindings refactor
* Ignore containers.conf sysctls when sharing namespaces
* Fix panic in libpod images exists endpoint
* Bump github.com/containernetworking/plugins from 0.8.7 to 0.9.0
* Add --filter to podman system prune
* Fix storage.conf to define driver in the VM
* Bump github.com/containers/storage from 1.24.1 to 1.24.3
* Properly handle --cap-add all when running with a --user flag
* security: honor systempaths=unconfined for ro paths
* Add system test for shell completion
* Bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4
* Honor the --layers flag
* pkg/copy: introduce a Copier
* Repeat system pruning until there is nothing removed
* Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.19.4 to 0.20.0
* Bump github.com/opencontainers/selinux from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0
* auto updates: document systemd unit and timer
* archive: move stat-header handling into copy package
* Fix spelling mistakes
* pkg/copy: add parsing API
* make podman play use ENVs from image
* Correct port range logic for port generation
* Make `podman stats` slirp check more robust
* Add systempaths=unconfined option
* Bump github.com/containers/image/v5 from 5.8.1 to 5.9.0
* Restore json format for fields as well as whole structs
* Do not pull if image domain is localhost
* pass full NetworkMode to ParseNetworkNamespace
* Fix network ls --filter invalid value flake
* Implement pod-network-reload
* generate kube on multiple containers
* Change name of imageVolumes in container config JSON
* Do not error on installing duplicate shutdown handler
* image sign using per user registries.d
* container cgroup path
* add comment to 8558 regression test
* Docker compat API - containers create ignores the name
* Add APIv2 test for containers-prune
* container create: do not clear image name
* Add saschagrunert and zhangguanzhang to OWNERS
* Bump github.com/containers/common from 0.30.0 to 0.31.0
* update website link for install instructions
* Jira RUN-1106 System handlers updates
* enable short-name aliasing
* Jira RUN-1106 Volumes handlers updates
* Jira RUN-1106 Network handlers updates
* Do not mount sysfs as rootless in more cases
* Add ability to set system wide options for slirp4netns
* Vendor in containers/common v0.30.0
* Clarify uid range requirements
* Close image rawSource when each loop ends
* Use PasswordCallback instead of Password for ssh
* More docker compat API fixes
* rewrite podman-cp
* e2e: bump pull timeout to 240 seconds
* add Luap99 to OWNERS file
* Support Unix timestamps for `podman logs --since`
* Fix some nit
* Jira RUN-1106 Image handlers updates
* Jira RUN-1106 Container handlers updates
* Add containerenv information to /run/.containerenv
* Correct which network commands can be run as rootless
* Drop default log-level from error to warn
* podman, exec: move conmon to the correct cgroup
* Support --network=default as if it was private
* Change bindings to stop two API calls for ping
* hack/podman-socat captures the API stream
* BATS: add new load test
* Add mask and unmask option to --security-opt
* Use Libpod tmpdir for pause path
* Fix `podman images...` missing headers in table templates
* add commas between mount options
* Do not pass name argument to Load API
* target is not tag
* Fix shell completion for ps --filter ancestor
* Add support for network ids
* Validate that the bridge option is supported
* Add integration test for the bridge options
* Add podman network create option for bridge vlan
* Add podman network create option for bridge mtu
* Do not use "true" after "syslog" in exit commands
* Fix typo in tests
* Fix potential race condition in testing
* compat create should use bindings
* Add API for communicating with Docker volume plugins
* BATS: add ping test
* Document volume mounts of source directories do NOT get created
* Revert the custom cobra vendor
* Bump version in README to v2.2.0
* network connect disconnect on non-running containers
* Bump master to v3.0.0-dev


* Fix extra quotation mark in manpages.
* Fix option names --subuidname and --subgidname
* Do not ignore infra command from config files
* Revert "Allow multiple --network flags for podman run/create"
* Add APIv2 tests for kube generate
* Document docker transport is the only supported remote transport
* podman network label support
* runtime: set XDG_* env variables if missing
* Add support for persistent volume claims in kube files
* Prepare support in kube play for other volume types than hostPath
* Remove varlink support from Podman
* Fix problems with network remove
* Switch from pkg/secrets to pkg/subscriptions
* Do not validate the volume source path in specgen
* Add support for --platform
* REST API v2 - ping - fix typo in header
* REST API v2 - ping - remove newline from response to improve Docker compatibility
* squash
* Not use local image create/add manifest
* [CI:DOCS] fix misleading save/load usage
* [tutorials:mac-win-client] Fix command ensuring sshd is enabled
* Fix custom mac address with a custom cni network
* Bump to v2.2.0-dev
* Handle ps container created field as a time.Time
* test resource cleanup
* more tests
* not forcing unmount
* few more tests
* add test
* add comment
* fix: unmount container without force
* style: wsl
* fix lint
* Implement containers/{id or name}/archive
* Ensure that --net=host/pod/container/none warn with -p

- Changelog for HEAD (2020-11-24):
* Set PATH env in systemd timer.
* Docker compat API fixes
* shell completions: remove usage of ShellCompDirectiveError
* more shell completion improvements
* Fix ip-range for classless subnet masks
* Bump github.com/containers/common from 0.27.0 to 0.29.0
* Add podman container ps command
* clarify ps(1) fallback of `podman top`
* APIv2 - create container sets wrong entrypoint
* Enable remote shell completion without a running endpoint
* Specify what the replace flag replaces in help text
* APIv2 - strip CAP_ prefix from capabilities in json
* Make c.networks() list include the default network
* Allow containers to --restart on-failure with --rm
* REST API v2 - list of images - mandatory Created attribute
* Allow multiple --network flags for podman run/create
* fix container cgroup lookup
* Make podman service log events
* vendor in containers/storage v1.24.1 containers/image v5.8.1
* Document containers.conf settings for remote connections
* Shell completion for podman ps and podman pod ps --filter
* Add alias for podman network rm -> remove
* add network connect|disconnect compat endpoints
* Fix sed regex to update version in version/version.go
* Github-Actions: Send e-mail on Cirrus cron failure
* Align the podman pod ps --filter behavior with podman ps
* podman-remote network rm --force is broken
* Remove build \!remote flags from test

- Changelog for v2.2.0-rc1 (2020-11-18):


* correct numbering typo
* Align the podman ps --filter behavior with docker
* Fix podman pod inspect show wrong MAC string
* Fix example for manifest push
* add network connect|disconnect compat endpoints
* Rename e2e test files to include _test.go suffix
* Client call to /play/kube incorrectly set tlsVerify
* Add an option to control if play kube should start the pod
* Swap out json-iterator for golang default
* Fix missing headers in `network ls`
* [CI:DOCS] fix an apostrophe nit in man page
* remove contrib/gate
* Remove some more excessive wrapping and stuttering
* Cleanup tutorials
* use container cgroups path
* Explain the relation between --pod and --network
* Make sure /etc/hosts populated correctly with networks
* logformatter: highlight timing results
* Bump Buildah to v1.18.0, c/storage to v1.24.0
* Cirrus: Invalidate static cache on VM image update
* Improve the shell completion api
* use lookaside storage for remote tests
* Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.19.3 to 0.19.4
* Wrap missing container errors with container ID
* system tests: various
* Add support for volume ls --filter label=key=value
* Podman-remote build is getting ID twice
* [CI:DOCS] Touch up Podman description in man page menu
* Fix markdown tables on docs.podman.io
* short-name aliasing
* Set podman-auto-update.service Type=oneshot
* test for buildah version in container images.
* Add missing --now in systemctl start command
* Change podman build --pull=true to PullIfMissing
* Fix namespace flag parsing for podman build
* Add podman build --net alias for --network
* Refactor to use DockerClient vs APIClient
* Maintain consistent order of short and long flag names in docs
* Fix issues found with codespell
* Bump github.com/rootless-containers/rootlesskit from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1
* Install the new shell completion logic
* Add shell completion with cobra
* Vendor in some cobra PRs to improve the completion experience.
* Add support for network connect / disconnect to DB
* Ensure we do not double-lock the same volume in create
* Cleanup error reporting
* Cirrus: update VMs
* [CI:DOCS] Restore man page cross-checker
* Cirrus: Run validation tests in CI:DOCS mode
* Add podman(1) to the list of man pages on docs.podman.io
* Set default network driver for APIv2 networks
* Add tests to make sure podman-remote logs works correctly.
* Add anchors for flag names on docs.podman.io
* migrate play kube to spec gen
* Add example of fuse-overlay to podman system reset
* Bump github.com/containers/common from 0.26.3 to 0.27.0
* skip ipv6 e2e tests on rootless
* add e2e test for network with same subnet
* enable ipv6 network configuration options
* make network name uniq for dnsname tests
* network aliases for container creation
* system tests: skip journald tests on RHEL8
* Update podman build man page to match buildah bud man page
* Cirrus: Detailed CPU/Memory/Time runner.sh stats
* podman-pull.1.md: add example for pulling an image by hash
* podman-import.1.md: fix paragraph formatting
* podman-import.1.md: fix shell syntax
* Update CI tests to run python docker library against API
* Stop binding layer from changing line endings
* Add support for podman search --format json
* Add --log-driver to play kube
* Show error on bad name filter in podman ps
* Use CPP, CC and flags in dep check scripts
* Fix link to point at correct content
* fix: allow volume creation when the _data directory already exists
* rootless container creation settings
* fix: podman-system-service doc time is seconds
* Bump github.com/rootless-containers/rootlesskit from 0.10.1 to 0.11.0
* Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs`
* Use /tmp/podman-run-* for backup XDG_RUNTIME_DIR
* Only use container/storage/pkg/homedir.Get()
* Add support for mounting external containers
* Cirrus: Use F33beta VM image
* Cirrus: Simplify artifact collection
* Use ping from alpine
* Bump github.com/containers/storage from 1.23.8 to 1.23.9
* add a PR template
* Use regex for "pod ps" name filter to match "ps" behavior
* Add tip re. typical root cause of "Exec format error" to troubleshooting.md
* Add tests for network aliases
* Make volume filters inclusive
* [CI:DOCS]Add Urvashi to podman OWNERS
* Improve error messages from failing tests
* fedora rootless cpu settings
* Test $HOME when it's parent is bind mounted with --userns=keep-id
* Update README.md
* docs: Mention mounts.conf location for non-root users
* Add test/apiv2/rest_api tests to make target
* specgen: keep capabilities with --userns=keep-id
* specgen: fix check for root user
* specgen: add support for ambient capabilities
* Add better support for unbindable volume mounts
* Bump github.com/containers/storage from 1.23.7 to 1.23.8
* Use osusergo build tag for static build
* Change http ConnState actions between new and active
* Match build pull functionality with Docker's
* Centralize cores and period/quota conversion code
* specgen, cgroup2: check whether memory swap is enabled
* Fix dnsname when joining a different network namespace in a pod
* Bump Buildah to v1.17.0
* manifest list inspect single image
* Remove search limit since pagination support
* spec: protect against segfault
* [CI:DOCS] Fix broken CI readme links
* Improve setupSystemd, grab mount options from the host
* specgen: split cgroup v1 and cgroup v2 code
* specgen: fix error message
* When container stops, drop sig-proxy errors to infos
* Cirrus: Workaround F32 BFQ Kernel bug
* Stop excessive wrapping of errors
* Pod's that share the IPC Namespace need to share /dev/shm
* Fix the `--pull` flag to `podman build` to match Docker
* Restore --format table header support
* Create the default root API address path
* new "image" mount type
* Cirrus: Simplify setting/passing env. vars.
* Podman often reports OCI Runtime does not exist, even if it does
* rootless: improve error message if cannot join namespaces
* NewFromLocal can return multiple images
* libpod: clean paths before check
* move from docker.io
* Cirrus: Use google mirror for docker.io
* Cirrus: Always record runc/crun versions
* Ensure that attach ready channel does not block
* Add a way to retrieve all network aliases for a ctr
* Add pod, volume, network to inspect package
* Add network aliases for containers to DB
* Add test cases to cover podman volume
* Document how to enable CPU limit delegation
* Add more details about how CPU limits work
* set resources only when specified
* Improve the journal event reading
* build(deps): bump github.com/containers/common from 0.26.0 to 0.26.3
* Support hashed hostnames in the known_hosts file
* image list: check for all errors
* Yet another iteration on PR title plugin
* System tests: cleanup, make more robust
* pr update action: fix errors on master branch
* The cidfile should be created when the container is created
* auto update: mark it as non-experimental
* Add support for host keys for non-22 ports
* fix: podman-cp respects "--extract" flag
* add GitHub action to add non-main branch to PR title
* filter events by labels
* Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
* Bump github.com/containers/buildah from 1.16.4 to 1.16.5
* src: nil check
* Don't error if resolv.conf does not exists
* src: add nil checks
* replace net_raw with setuid
* fix: /image/{name}/json returns RootFS layers
* APIv2 compatibility network connect|disconnect
* Tests: Check different log driver can work with podman logs
* podman create doesn't support creating detached containers
* Fix pull method selection
* set compat network driver default
* Add hostname to /etc/hosts for --net=none
* Add a Degraded state to pods
* Refactor podman to use c/common/pkg/report
* container create: record correct image name
* Add EOL to compat container logs
* save image remove signatures
* Switch use of Flags to Options
* Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.19.2 to 0.19.3
* Fix handling and documentation of podman wait --interval
* Podman build should default to not usins stdin
* Tests: Fix common flakes, and improve apiv2 test log
* Retrieve network inspect info from dependency container
* refactor api compatibility container creation to specgen
* Fix ps port output
* Ensure that hostname is added to hosts with net=host
* Add a system test to verify --runtime is preserved
* Use runtime names instead of paths in E2E tests
* Re-create OCI runtimes by path when it is missing
* When given OCI runtime by path, use path as name
* fix: neutral value for MemorySwappiness
* Make invalid image name error more specific
* System tests: remove some misleading 'run's
* --tls-verify and --authfile should work for all remote commands
* Fix host to container port mapping for simple ranges
* Always add the dnsname plugin to the config for rootless
* Make man page headings more consistent
* Update podman-remote start --attach to handle detach keys
* Update podman-remote run to handle detach keys
* Bump github.com/containers/common from 0.24.0 to 0.26.0
* Fix panic when runlabel is missing
* Fix podman image trust show --raw output
* Fix podman-run man page heading
* Fix sorting issues in completions
* Add support for external container
* fix podman container exists and diff for storage containers
* Fix possible panic in libpod container restore
* Bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.0.0 to 1.1.0
* System test additions
* Setup HOME environment when using --userns=keep-id
* Setup HOME environment when using --userns=keep-id
* Fix indentation for `podman pod inspect`
* Cirrus: Execute docker-py tests on a VM
* Restore --format table support
* Convert Split() calls with an equal sign to SplitN()
* Bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.10.2 to 1.10.3
* Restore indent on JSON from `podman inspect`
* Enforce LIFO ordering for shutdown handlers
* alter compat no such image message
* Cirrus: Restore APIv2 Testing
* Cirrus: Ability to skip most tests for docs updates
* Restore --format: stats & pod ps
* Enable masking stop signals within container creation
* APIv2 tests: try again to fix them
* Add a shutdown handler package
* System tests: run with local podman, not remote
* Remove a note that the HTTP API is not yet stable.
* APIv2 tests: get them passing again
* Add support for resource limits to play kube
* Resolve 7860 - add time.RFC3339Nano into ContainerJSONBase
* Add more APIv2 tests for images: push, tag, untag, rmi and image tree.
* Include CNI networks in inspect output when not running
* Monitor for client closing stream
* pkg/spec: fix a confusing error message
* Search repository tags using --list-tags
* Fix the "err: cause" order of OCI runtime errors
* tests/e2e: Add Toolbox-specific test cases
* This PR allows users to remove external containers directly
* Fix documentation link and typo
* Restore --format table...
* Add support for resource cpu limit to generate kube
* Port V1 --format table to V2 podman
* BlobInfoCacheDir is set incorrectly when copying images
* Store cgroup manager on a per-container basis
* --format updates for images/diff.go
* add compatibility endpoint for exporting multiple images
* Restore --format 'table...' to commands
* Ports given only by number should have random host port
* Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs`
* add prerequisite section before building binaries
* newlines on all container detaches
* Cirrus: Fix obtaining a CI VM
* APIv2 compatibility rootless network fix
* Port commands to V2 --format 'table...'
* system tests: cleanup, and add more tests
* prevent unpredictable results with network create|remove
* Enable k8s configmaps as flags for play kube
* Attempt to turn on some more remote tests
* Use WaitWithDefaultTimeout in cleanup
* Move pod jobs to parallel execution
* Populate /etc/hosts file when run in a user namespace
* Cirrus: Fix running shellcheck locally
* Cirrus CI runner: refactor
* fix apiv2 /containers/$name/json return wrong value in `.Config.StopSignal`
* pkg/cgroups/createCgroupv2Path: nits
* Lowercase some errors
* Remove excessive error wrapping
* Support max_size logoptions
* Fixes remote attach and exec to signal IdleTracker
* Cirrus: Skip deep testing on branches
* logformatter: run on system tests & bindings
* Fix handling of CheckRootlessUIDRange
* Cirrus: Fix branch-validation failure
* Add TODO for adding CPU limit support
* Add support for resource memory limit to generate kube
* Fix podman-remote ps --ns broken
* fix closed the remote connection on pull causes service panic
* Add SELinux support for pods
* Cirrus: Implement podman automation 2.0
* compat: images/create: fix tag parsing
* Fix Podman logs reading journald
* Restore "table" --format from V1
* --rm option shold conflicts with --restart
* Bump github.com/containers/common from 0.23.0 to 0.24.0
* libpod: check the gid is present before adding it
* podman-remote does not support most of the global flags
* Correct to latest version
* Bump github.com/containers/buildah from 1.16.2 to 1.16.4
* image prune: remove all candidates
* spec: open fuse with --device .*/fuse
* rootless: use sync.Once for GetAvailableGids()
* rootless: move GetAvailableGids to the rootless pkg
* logformatter: add Synopsis at top of each page
* Podman containers/pods prune should throw an error if user adds args
* fix compat api privileged and entrypoint code
* Migrate container images to automation_images
* system test: untag all test
* remote: fix name and ID collisions of containers and pods
* Add additionalGIDs from users in rootless mode
* Fix some flakes in the e2e network tests.
* Update rootless_tutorial.md
* Volume prune should not pass down the force flag
* Support --http-proxy for remote builds
* fix: The container created by APIV2 has an incorrect Env and WorkDir
* misc fixes for f33 integration tests
* fix allowing inspect manifest of non-local image
* Distinguish userns vs containerized tests
* Don't disable Go modules when generating varlink
* Use local image if input image is a manifest list
* image look up: consult registries.conf
* pkg/registries: add a retiring note
* Attempt to test all Broken SkipIfRootless FIXME
* Make the e2e test network cleanup more robust.
* Fix ubuntu exec_test
* capabilities: always set ambient and inheritable
* libpod: bump up rootless-cni-infra to v3
* rootless-cni-infra v3: fix cleaning up DNS entries
* fix remote untag
* Make all Skips specify a reason
* Fix handling of remove of bogus volumes, networks and Pods
* We already set container=podman environment variable
* Refactor IdleTracker to handle StateIdle transitions
* System tests: add podman run --tz
* System tests: corner case for run --pull
* healthchecks: return systemd-run error
* Add X-Registry-Config support
* Gating-test fix: deal with new crun error msg
* Bump github.com/sirupsen/logrus from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0
* Apply suggestions from code review
* Adds missing . to README.md file.
* Ignore containers.conf sysctl when namespaces set to host
* System tests: reenable some skipped tests
* Journald log driver test
* fix for compatibility volume creation
* Add section about current differences
* Fix network remove for the podman remote client
* Fix podman network rm --force when network is used by a pod
* Remove SkipIfRootless if possible, document other calls
* Properly handle podman run --pull command
* Updating on supported restart policy
* Add support for slirp network for pods
* rootless: fix hang when newidmap is not installed
* Remove some SkipIfRootess flags from tests
* Bump github.com/containers/common from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0
* HTTP Attach: Wait until both STDIN and STDOUT finish
* build: honor --runtime setting
* remote load: check if input is directory
* stats: break out CLI options
* new endpoint: /libpod/containers/stats
* apiv2 container limit differ from docker-api
* system tests: helpers: safer parse_table
* system tests: new test for run --log-driver
* set interactive mode with compat create endpoint
* Allow filtering on pod label values
* Remove final v2remotefail failures
* Fix a bug where log-driver json-file was made no logs
* e2e tests: SkipIfRemote(): add a reason
* stats refactor
* Systemd should be able to run as rootless
* Bump github.com/containers/buildah from 1.16.1 to 1.16.2
* Examine all SkipIfRemote functions
* fix build with varlink
* Bump version in README to v2.1.0
* Include cgroup manager in `podman info` output
* Add Server header to API service responses
* Bump to v2.2.0-dev
* podman save: fix redirect of multi-images
* pkg/hooks: support all hooks
* Print nice error message when python is not installed
* add missing return for compat kill
* system tests: new tests
* Evict containers before removing via V2 API
* Cirrus: Add gpg2 to Ubuntu images
* Fix mismatch between log messages and behavior of libpod.LabelVolumePath.

- Changelog for v2.1.0 (2020-09-22):
* Update release notes for v2.1.0 Final Release
* Fix up attach tests for podman remote
* update stale bot
* [CI:DOCS] Add 'In Progress' note to CONTRIBUTING.md
* Restore 'id' stanza in pull results
* Fix podman image unmount to only report images unmounted
* libpod: bumps up rootless-cni-infra to 2
* stats: log errors instead of sending 500
* Fix incorrect parsing of create/run --volumes-from
* rootless-cni-infra: fix flakiness during bringing up lo interface
* Fix handling of podman-remote stop --ignore
* Refactor version handling in cmd tree
* Preserve groups in exec sessions in ctrs with --user
* Install bats as root
* Makefile: Fix broken libpodimage targets
* stats: detect closed client connection
* stats endpoint: write OK header once
* handle the play kube and generate kube for with restartPolicy
* fix the .Path and .Args when use the infra-command
* Update nix pin with `make nixpkgs`
* fix a typo of login.1.md
* Bump github.com/rootless-containers/rootlesskit from 0.10.0 to 0.10.1
* enable --iidfile for podman-remote build
* update github.com/docker/docker and relevant deps
* Make Go builds more consistent
* dependabot-dance: new tool for managing revendor PRs
* WIP: Fix remote logs

- Changelog for v2.1.0-rc2 (2020-09-17)


* Fix play_kube_test deployment template
* fix missing completion in podman run
* Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.19.1 to 0.19.2
* image list: return all associated names
* Add labels to a pod created via play kube
* Refactor remote pull to provide progress
* --mount: support arbitrary mount-argument order
* Fix podman pod create --infra-command and --infra-image
* Fix "rootless-cni-infra + runc fails with ENODEV"
* podman version and --version: fix format, exit
* Supports import&run--signature-policy
* Fix CI breakage due to PR collision
* [CI:DOCS]update owners file
* Refactor API version values
* Fix --systemd=always regression
* Correct HTTP methods for /containers/{id}/archive
* events endpoint: header: do not wait for events
* run/create: record raw image
* rootless CNI: extract env and cmd from image
* libpod: rootless CNI image: use quay
* move `rootless-cni-infra` image to quay.io
* vendor github.com/containers/image/v5v5.6.0
* podman wait accept args > 1
* Usability: prevent "-l" with arguments
* Document the connection path for podman --remote
* Refactor API build endpoint to be more compliant
* pull types allow initial caps
* Determine if resolv.conf points to systemd-resolved
* Bump to v2.1.0-dev
* Fix completions for namespaces

- Changelog for v2.1.0-rc1 (2020-09-11)


* Vendor in containers/buildah 1.16.1
* Vendor in containers/common v0.22.0
* system df: fix image-size calculations
* add edsantiago to OWNERS file
* sort OWNERS file
* remote run: fix error checks
* Fix up errors found by codespell
* Document --read-only --rootfs requirements
* Force Attach() to send a SIGWINCH and redraw
* run_networking e2e test: add cleanup to some tests
* play/generate: support shareProcessNamespace
* system tests: cleanup
* allowed underscores to remain in name for YAML
* Add read-only mount to play kube
* Add auth.json(5) link to login/logout docs
* libpod: read mappings when joining a container userns
* Make an entry in /etc/group when we modify /etc/passwd
* podman container runlabel should pull the image if it does not exist
* Bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.19.0 to 0.19.1
* vendor containers/storage v1.23.5
* remote run: consult events for exit code
* Cirrus: Obsolete CI:IMG process & related files
* Fix podman container runlabel --display
* Make oom-score-adj actually work
* compat kill: only wait for 0 signal and sigkill
* remote kill: don't wait for the container to stop
* Fix podman ps -l
* generate systemd: catch `--name=foo`
* Fix podman build --logfile
* fix APIv2 pods top of non-exist pod gets two response value
* Extend bash completion to cover new flags
* Update man page of `manifest add`
* manifest push: handle cert-dir flag
* Extend flags of `manifest add`
* Show c/storage (Buildah/CRI-O) containers in ps
* rootless: support `podman network create` (CNI-in-slirp4netns)
* add contrib/rootless-cni-infra
* [CI:DOCS] Update remote tutorials
* Don't setup the Image/ContainerEngine when calling a cmd with subcmds
* Makefile: add cross compile targets for more arches
* Migrate away from docker.io
* podman stop: do not cleanup for auto-removal
* Bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2
* support multi-image (docker) archives
* Fix typo in the remove network api doc
* APIv2 Add network list filtering
* Bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo from 1.14.0 to 1.14.1
* make image parent check more robust
* Fix unconfined AppArmor profile usage for unsupported systems
* Bump github.com/containers/storage from 1.23.2 to 1.23.4
* Add global options --runtime-flags
* [CI:DOCS] Add macos build to ci
* Fix system df inconsistent
* [CI:DOCS] Add note on run image fuse problem - try 2
* WIP: update VM images
* APIv2 add generate systemd endpoint
* We should not be mounting /run as noexec when run with --systemd
* Bump github.com/gorilla/mux from 1.7.4 to 1.8.0
* Don't create ~/.config after removing storage.conf

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