This is a beta version for `pnp`. The code may change at any moment.
Commit log
* more progress
* Added weights for manu and raws
* prep for dropout
* better weight reusing system, data history chosen
* started work on Crime
* data organization
* save data
* actually averaged averages
* something was fixed, don't remember what
* organization is working, confirmed
* added raw_days check
* Added list of keys for better reliability and easier indexing
* unified save directory format
* disabled file saving: saving should be done by the user if needed
* adding datasets
* much work on
* training half complete
* update .gitignore
* make full run return organized data, as it no longer saves files
* fixes random mistakes
* more random mistakes
* fixed problems in organization, more work done on main network
* testing improved
* Merge branch 'master' into pnp-dev
* better testing
* Training tested with no errors