Library Updates:
- PTMA CG M3 model was added to the polyply library parameters are taken from [arXiv:2209.02072]
- A library table, i.e., list of models available in the polyply library was added to the README and file
- Carbohydrate parameters for Dextran were updated to the final released version, which for the time being disables branched Dextran.
- Cellulose parameters were added to polyply according to the latest parameter definitions
Bug Fixes:
- when reading the topology dihedral directives, where a single dihedral type in the itp file is matched to multiple definitions in the force-field file is now done correctly (i.e. all matches are generated).
- Defining a name and output path for gen_params are now optional. By default the name polymer is given with the file called polymer.itp in the current working directory
**Full Changelog**: