- `stats_from_bam`: handle cigar strings using `=` and `X` instead of `M`.
- Include mapping quality in `stats_from_bam` output.
- Handling of LRA bams in which NM tag is number of matches rather than edit distance.
- Added an option (`-y`) to `assess_assembly` and `mini_align` to include supplementary alignments.
- Added an option (`-d`) to `mini_align` and `assess_assembly` to select minimap2 alignment preset.
- Added accumulation of errors over a number of chunks (`-a` option in `summary_from_stats` and `assess_assembly`) to get better stats.
- Use `-L` option for `minimap2`.
- Updated versions of minimap2, samtools, bcftools, bedtools, seqkit in Makefile to the most recent ones.