- Preserve original file content type in AmazonS3FileValidator. - Combine ACL update to copy operation in AmazonS3FileValidator.
- BREAKING CHANGE: Only support Python 3.8. Other Python versions might work, but aren't tested. - Add min_content_length parameter to AmazonS3SignedRequest. The default minimum length is set to 1 so this could break applications that rely on uploading empty attachment files.
- Update AmazonS3SignedRequest to use AWS Signature Version 4 instead of Version 2. BREAKING CHANGE: Session object must have region_name defined.
- Add new_file_acl argument to AmazonS3FileValidator.
- Add new_file_prefix argument to AmazonS3FileValidator. - Add delete_unvalidated_file armgument to AmazonS3FileValidator.
- Use universal wheel. - Include license in wheel.