- Reads now can be demultiplexed without basecalling.
- With `--polya` turned on, poly(A) tail dwell time is written
to `sequencing_summary.txt`. More detailed information is
written to the dumped events by the `--dump-basecalled-events`
- Shows detailed error messages in `poreplex.log`.
- The files generated by `--dump-basecalled-events` now includes
the attributes for signal scaling parameters and the last position
that DNA adapter ends within the signal.
- Extremely short sequences are now sorted into `fail`ed reads.
The minimum required length can be changed with the
`--minimum-length` switch. (Suggested by Nathan Roach)
- Fixed a segmentation fault when using
[albacore 2.3.3](
- Fixed an error that stops overall process by an invalid FAST5 file.
- `filename` in `sequencing_summary.txt` is now shown as a relative path
from the output directory, not from the subdirectory for a read
- Fixed a problem that separate lines of FASTA, FASTQ or
`sequencing-summary.txt` are mixed up in the output file sometimes.
- Turned off the chimeric read filter by default. Now the `--filter-chimera`
option turns it back on.
- Updated the neural network model for barcode demultiplexing for
even less false positives using randomly stitched signal fragments
as a background.