* Refactor parsing. Makes normal mode stricter and ``strict`` mode more
* Expose ``is_single_port`` and ``is_cidr`` properties in ``repr()``.
* Unittests covers 100% of code.
* Add default ``isort`` config.
* Run unittests against Python 3.3, 3.5, 3.6-dev, 3.7-dev, PyPy2.7 and PyPy3.3.
* Remove popularity badge: PyPI download counters are broken and no longer
* Move ``coverage`` config to ``setup.cfg``.
* Add ``test`` and ``develop`` dependencies.
* Only show latest changes in the long description of the package instead of
the full changelog.
* Replace ``pep8`` package by ``pycodestyle``.
* Enforce ``pycodestyle`` checks in Travis CI jobs.
* Test production of packages in Travis CI jobs.
* Always check for package metadata in Travis CI jobs.
* Make wheels generated under Python 2 environment available for Python 3 too.
* Add link to full changelog in package's long description.