
Latest version: v0.7.0

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The major feature bump in this version is formatting outputs to match inputs required for GenX 0.4.. It is still possible to create inputs for GenX 0.3. using a settings parameter old_genx_format: true. Output folder structure has also changed to always follow the format <case>/Inputs/Inputs_p*.

Other non-breaking changes and updates:
- Directly use hourly demand data when they are available for a planning year. This is not compatible with constructing demand profiles using end-use stock values and hourly demand factors.
- The case/scenario description file is no longer used. Case/scenario names are set entirely within the scenario definitions file.
- Resources without an assigned fuel will now have the fuel name No_fuel instead of None. Starting in v2.0 Pandas treats the None string as NaN by default, which can cause data processing issues.

What's Changed
* Bug fix: RG dicts were somehow modified before use by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/345
* [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/347
* Fix typo by mfripp in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/346
* Improve message for generators without lat/lon data by mfripp in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/355
* 370 fix sqlite bug from double quoted f strings by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/371
* Rebase sql fixes into feature branch by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/372
* Rebase sql fixes into feature branch `output-format-genx-0.4` by lbonaldo in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/376
* Convert julia output formatting script to python function by lbonaldo in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/374
* Refactor scenario settings handling, remove unused case ID mapping function by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/369
* Only include proposed gens built on or before `model_year` by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/342
* Include UTC offset in unique hash for renewables clusters by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/362
* Directly use demand data by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/378
* Update fuel label from "None" to "No_fuel" in generator functions and… by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/379
* 380 tech matching fails when string contains special regex characters by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/381
* Output format genx 0.4 by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/377
* Fixes and features up to 0.7.0 by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/384

New Contributors
* lbonaldo made their first contribution in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/376

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/compare/v0.6.3...v0.7.0


The major feature bump in this version is formatting outputs to match inputs required for GenX 0.4.*. It is still possible to create inputs for GenX 0.3.* using a settings parameter `old_genx_format: true`. Output folder structure has also changed to always follow the format `<case>/Inputs/Inputs_p*`.

Other non-breaking changes and updates:
- Directly use hourly demand data when they are available for a planning year. This is not compatible with constructing demand profiles using end-use stock values and hourly demand factors.
- The case/scenario description file is no longer used. Case/scenario names are set entirely within the scenario definitions file.
- Resources without an assigned fuel will now have the fuel name `No_fuel` instead of `None`. Starting in v2.0 Pandas treats he `None` string as `NaN` by default, which can cause data processing issues.

What's Changed
* Bug fix: RG dicts were somehow modified before use by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/345
* [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/347
* Fix typo by mfripp in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/346
* Improve message for generators without lat/lon data by mfripp in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/355
* 370 fix sqlite bug from double quoted f strings by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/371
* Rebase sql fixes into feature branch by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/372
* Rebase sql fixes into feature branch `output-format-genx-0.4` by lbonaldo in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/376
* Convert julia output formatting script to python function by lbonaldo in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/374
* Refactor scenario settings handling, remove unused case ID mapping function by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/369
* Only include proposed gens built on or before `model_year` by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/342
* Include UTC offset in unique hash for renewables clusters by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/362
* Directly use demand data by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/378
* Update fuel label from "None" to "No_fuel" in generator functions and… by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/379
* 380 tech matching fails when string contains special regex characters by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/381
* Output format genx 0.4 by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/377
* Fixes and features up to 0.7.0 by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/384

New Contributors
* lbonaldo made their first contribution in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/376

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/compare/v0.6.3...v0.7.0rc1


This is a bug-fix release focused on the PyPI package distribution.

What's Changed
* Fix issues with built package on PyPI by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/341

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/compare/v0.6.2...v0.6.3


Major updates in the release include
- The case_id mapping to scenarios is now optional
- Existing generator clusters can now stay stable across periods when using the `--multi-period` command line flag or the settings parameter `cluster_with_retired_gens: true`
- Outputs can be structured for GenX multi-period runs using the `--multi-period` command line flag
- Allow the key "all_years" in settings_management rather than requiring settings to be copied across all years
- Reduce and simplify logging messages (full logs are still written to log text file)
- Modify the costs of each categorical group separately when clustering new-build renewables
- KMeans clustering for new-build renewables

What's Changed
* Find ResourceGroup profiles from settings file param by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/277
* Fix gen id zeros by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/279
* Allow region of "all" in spur/max cap file by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/280
* Data bug fixes & small features by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/281
* Sort settings keys by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/283
* Fix misc gen bug by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/286
* make case_id mapping optional by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/288
* Change annuity calcs to discrete compounding by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/289
* Distributed generation utc offset by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/290
* Cluster before retire by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/294
* Fix atb mapping hr bug by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/297
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/301
* Renewable group modifiers by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/300
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/303
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/304
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/305
* Allow "all" case for policies by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/302
* Name stashed files with hash by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/307
* GenX multi-period input format by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/309
* Reset isort by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/312
* [pre-commit.ci] pre-commit autoupdate by pre-commit-ci in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/314
* If using CCS pipeline capex, treat CCS disposal as FOM by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/318
* Allow all_years key in settings_management and use scenario-specific model years by mfripp in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/316
* Fix filepath bug when settings file is 2+ levels deep by rebeccamccabe in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/325
* Remove slash from sql prefix to fix bug with relative paths 285 by rebeccamccabe in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/319
* Warn if VRE/HYDRO profiles are not variable by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/323
* Update how resource tags from settings are applied by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/328
* Update resource groups for tests and CA_AZ example by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/329
* Reduce and simplify logging messages by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/330
* Renewable sites kmeans clustering by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/331
* Update the current example systems and add a 6-zone WECC system by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/332
* Fix filter planned 860m by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/333
* Version update by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/311

New Contributors
* pre-commit-ci made their first contribution in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/314
* mfripp made their first contribution in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/316
* rebeccamccabe made their first contribution in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/325

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/compare/v0.6.1...v0.6.2


This update introduces some major new data inputs to PowerGenome.
- Build demand profiles from the bottom up using future stocks of final energy demand technologies (EVs, heat pumps, water heaters, etc) and hourly demand profiles from NREL's Energy Futures Study.
- Automate creating flexible demand resources from future stocks and NREL EFS.
- Use distributed generation profiles from NREL Cambium scenarios, which use an agent-based model to determine rooftop solar deployment.
- Users can provide the cost for expanding/building inter-regional transmission lines rather than assuming centroid-to-centroid distance and a cost per mile.
- Use pre-calculated capital costs for CO₂ pipeline infrastructure attached to CCS plants rather than adding a variable cost per ton captured.

This release is version 0.6.1. Due to an error with releasing the code on PyPi, no official version 0.6.0 was released.

What's Changed
* Load construction changes by ritibhandarkar in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/115
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/176
* Merge hydro fixes into EFS branch by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/175
* Merge upstream changes into efs_demand by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/168
* Allow users to specify load source. by bradenpecora in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/199
* Check sql inputs to prevent injection by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/203
* Automate flexible demand resources from NREL EFS by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/186
* Conditional to avoid error if "USER" is the only specified load source. by bradenpecora in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/208
* Limit sig figs in CPI data saved to csv (float_format="%g") by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/211
* Add storage energy capacity data by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/212
* Custom ccs fuel fix & other fuel improvements by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/213
* Modify fuel prices by model region by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/214
* Update pre-commit hooks by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/217
* Provision with micromamba GH action by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/219
* Fix grow historical load by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/223
* Load and use interregional tx costs from file by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/225
* Update pre-commit hooks by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/224
* Speed up creation of existing/new gen clusters by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/226
* Extend plant region map by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/228
* Fix incorrect gen var time index when 8760 hours by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/231
* Clean plant gen matching by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/235
* Use EIA bulk files in place of API by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/234
* fix the issue that "regional_load_includes_demand_response" is not used by xuqingyu in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/222
* Fix missing heat rates by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/237
* Updates for new release version by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/236
* Feature: update cli args with kwargs by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/239
* Update pre-commit hooks by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/238
* Fix numpy version to avoid numba conflict by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/242
* Small fixes to help new users + bug fix for duplicated 860 data by gmantegna in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/240
* Bug fixes for merging 860m data by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/243
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/248
* Bug fixes by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/247
* Bug fix: prime_mover_code can be in diff tables by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/249
* Update pre-commit hooks by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/251
* Fix bug where flex demand resource is not shifted from UTC by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/253
* Update precommit_update.yml by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/255
* Co2 pipeline cost from file by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/254
* Distributed generation scenario data by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/250
* Added function apply_all_tag_to_regions by annafjacobson in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/246
* Tx expansion MW by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/257
* Fix flexible demand load profile UTC shift bug by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/260
* Use clean GeneratorsCluster object for each case/year by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/263
* Flexibly create VRE clusters from individual sites by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/256
* Update pre-commit hooks by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/261
* Remove EIA API, always use bulk data by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/266
* Allow RG profiles to live in a single location by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/267
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/269
* Format Python code with psf/black push by github-actions in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/270
* Updates to 0.6.0 by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/268
* Update examples and notebooks by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/272

New Contributors
* ritibhandarkar made their first contribution in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/115
* gmantegna made their first contribution in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/240

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/compare/v0.5.6...v0.6.0


What's Changed
This release primarily fixes a bug in the calculation of how many existing generating units are in each cluster. The number of units is used to calculate existing capacity, so in many cases the existing capacity would be 0.

* Update README.md by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/204
* Bug fix num units in cluster by gschivley in https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/pull/207

**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/PowerGenome/PowerGenome/compare/v0.5.5...v0.5.6

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