
Latest version: v1.3.3

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* Add `trusted_paths` argument
* Fix invalid escape sequences warnings in Python 3.12
* Switch from `setup.py` to `pyproject.toml`


* Fix command injection via malicious repository config ([CVE-2022-42906](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-42906))
* Create a configuration option (`untracked_not_dirty`) that prevents untracked files alone from marking the branch status
* README improvements


Not secure
* New `format` argument allowing to customisation of the segment symbols
* New `last`, `annotated`, `contains` and `exact` options for `show_tag` argument. The behavior when `show_tag` is `True` changed from `last` to `exact`
* New `detached_head_style` argument
* Bypass the user-defined locale, fixes detached HEAD display when user has non-English locale


Not secure
Introduced the `show_tag` argument, which shows the most recent tag reachable in the current branch.


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Introduced the `use_dash_c` argument.

When `true` (the default), we will call `git` with the `-C` argument, but that requires git 1.8.5 or higher.

When that requirement cannot be met, one can pass `false`, which will fall back to the `--git-dir` and `--work-tree` arguments. Because we need to traverse the current working directory up to root and search for a `.git` directory, this options is less performant and accurate. Therefor using git 1.8.5 or higher is recommended.

This release should solve the working directory issues (1 and 4) once and for all!


Not secure
Fixed issue 4, where segment won't show when in a sub-directory of a working copy.

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