Minor Changes: - Mitigate `pymatgen`'s incompatibility with `numpy>=2` by setting the maximum version - Minor updates to the testing routines and versions.
Minor Updates: - Added official **Python 3.12** support to the model. - Uses newer `rpy2` to take advantage of (1) improved debugging and (2) better compatibility with newer Python versions. - `README` updates
**Hot Fix**: Added upper limit on `pymatgen` version because [`v2023.9.25`](https://github.com/materialsproject/pymatgen/releases/tag/v2023.9.25) fails to install alongside required `rpy2=>3.5.0` (pymatgen/issues/3348)
Minor Changes: - Added a JSON file with an explicit machine-readable output definition in the form of a list of name-unit-definition dictionaries.
Minor Changes: - Added Model() class which initializes its own R model that may help with conflicts in model access. It should be more stable, but if initialized every time, it will be significantly slower than one initialization per package (at least in series).