**WARNING!** Python supported version was changed to 3.9.
Now you can draw an additional custom lines and markers on main chart with candles (using `RenderBokeh()` method). You can specify trend directions with simple words: `up`, `down`, `no` or chars: `u`, `d`, `n`, when using `--split-trend` key (in addition to the existing ability to identify trend with symbols `/\-`), e.g. `--split-trend=up-down-no-up`, `--split-trend=u-d-n-u` etc. Also, you can choose themes for charts drawn by `RenderBokeh()` method with the new parameter `darkTheme` (if `True` then using dark theme, else light theme).
Light style example (with some custom markers and new average line):

Dark style example (with some custom markers):

New features
* Python version support was changed to 3.9.
* [17](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/17) Into the `RenderBokeh()` method was added `layouts` parameter. You can add new Bokeh Chart-objects on the Main Chart with that parameter. Also, `darkTheme` parameter was added. If it `True`, then will be used dark theme, `False` (by default) mean light theme. Also, you can manipulate with chart and adding lines or markers to the main chart. Use `markers` and `lines` parameters for it. `markers` is a Pandas Dataframe with custom series, where additional markers will place on main series. `None` by default. One marker is a custom symbol, e.g. ×, ↓ or ↑ or anyone else. Marker data must contain at least two columns. There are `datetime` with date and time and some markers columns (`markersUpper`, `markersCenter` or `markersLower`). Length of marker dataframes must be equal to the length of main candle series. `lines` is a list with custom series, where additional chart-lines will place on main series. `None` by default. Line data must contain at least two columns. There are `datetime` with date and time and `custom_line_name` with y-coordinates. Length of the chart-line dataframes must be equal to the length of main candle series.
* [10](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/10) Ability to specify directions with words or chars was added. Words may be next: `up`, `down`, `no` or chars: `u`, `d`, `n` for the `--split-trend` key, in addition to the existing ability to set up of the trend with symbols `/\-`. To separate words or chars use the hyphen symbol, e.g. `--split-trend=up-down-no-up`, `--split-trend=u-d-n-u` etc.
* [13](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/13) [API-doc](https://tim55667757.github.io/PriceGenerator/docs/pricegenerator/PriceGenerator.html) on module `PriceGenerator` was added.
* [15](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/15) Statistic block view was improvement.
* [16](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/16) Examples were added: [how to generate prices chain without candles](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/16#issuecomment-1287875048).
Bug fixes
* [19](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/19) Bug fix with incorrect high and low values when trend is set.
* [18](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/18) Bug fix with incorrect multiple tips on chart and incorrect width of visible area.
* [11](https://github.com/Tim55667757/PriceGenerator/issues/11) Incorrect warnings were disabled.