Feature added
* Introduce **auto-filling** fields to `create` or `submit` command 22571
We add the **auto-filling** feature to actions that create new resources. It happens when a `required` field (a few optional cases) is omitted and is supported by auto-filling.
We take `create` [PhApp](https://github.com/InfuseAI/primehub-python-sdk/blob/v0.3.7/docs/CLI/apps.md#fields-for-creating-or-updating) by example:
Before auto-filling was introduced, we put all required fields to create an app:
$ primehub apps create <<EOF
"templateId": "code-server",
"id": "code-server-26fcc",
"displayName": "my-code-server-26fcc",
"instanceType": "cpu-1",
"scope": "primehub"
After auto-filling was supported, we remove the `id` and it will be generated with `templateId` prefix ( *code-server*-{random-hex} )
$ primehub apps create <<EOF
"templateId": "code-server",
"displayName": "my-code-server-26fcc",
"instanceType": "cpu-1",
"scope": "primehub"
Changes and bugfixes
* Rename the original command group `datasets` to `volumes` 22666
* Rename the original command group `schedule` to `recurring-jobs` 23065
* Make `instancetypes list` output more information 23015
* Bugfix: some errors not formatted well 23027