* Online documentation: [https://prisms-center.github.io/prisms_jobs_docs/](https://prisms-center.github.io/prisms_jobs_docs/)
* Re-organizes the job management software dependent portions to be completely in ``prisms_jobs.interface.torque`` and ``prisms_jobs.inteface.slurm``. The appropriate interface is chosen and set in ``prisms_jobs.software``. The choice can be customized or a completely custom interface imported via the ``PRISMS_JOBS_SOFTWARE`` environment variable. See docs for details.
* Fixes things that had broken in ``pstat``, ``psub``, and ``taskmaster``
* Install via `pip` & `conda`
* Set JobDB.update() method to include / not include matching by hostname via the ``PRISMS_JOBS_UPDATE``. See docs for details.