- Fix the browser ID manager cookie setting for Availability. The name of the cookie flag ws incorrect so it was always False.
- Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.
- Fix insidious buildout configuration bug for tests against Zope 4.
- Add support for Python 3.11.
- Add ability to set the session cookie's ``SameSite`` flag. See https://hacks.mozilla.org/2020/08/changes-to-samesite-cookie-behavior/ for some background on how browsers change handling ``SameSite``. The behavior of existing sites will not change unless the site administrator changes the cookie configuration explicitly. New browser id managers will use ``Lax`` by default.
- Add support for Python 3.10.
- Fix PY2 bug in ``BrowserIdManager.getNewBrowserId`` (`45 <https://github.com/zopefoundation/Products.Sessions/issues/45>`_)