* Output VO values as nested dicts instead of a forced flat structure
* Enclose DAOs within repositories to encourage DB interaction solely through repos
* Remove `remove` method from repository to discourage hard deletes
* Manage concurrency with Aggregate versions
* Add MessageDB Event store adapter
* Add stand-in Memory Event store
* Introduce EventSourced Aggregates and Event Handlers
* Introduce EventSourced Repositories
* Allow filtering of messages from their origin stream
* Allow Event Handlers to listen to other streams and ALL streams
* Allow Command Handler methods to handle any event
* Wrap EventHandler and CommandHandler methods execute within UnitOfWork
* Associate Commands and Events with streams (explicit and via Aggregates)
* Support processing events and commands in synchronous mode.
* Allow asynchronous command processing by submitting commands to domain
* Add `autoflake` to `pre-commit`
* Treat empty string value as None in Date and DateTime Fields
* Support inter-attribute dependencies in Option defaults
* Cache registry, repositories, daos, and models with `cache`
* Fix sorting issue with null values in Memory DB
* Add `any` filter and allow scalar values to `in` operator in Memory DB