
Latest version: v0.2.5

Safety actively analyzes 665719 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Adds to antibody-specific datasets using the IGFold corpuses for paired OAS and Jaffe 2022 [53](
* Set `in_memory=True` as default for most (small) datasets for improved performance [53](
* Fix `num_classes` for GO datamodules * Set `in_memory=True` as default for most (downstream) datasets for improved performance [53](
* Fixes GO labelling [53](


* Improves positional encoding performance by adding a `seq_pos` attribute on `Data/Protein` objects in the base dataset getter. [53](
* Ensure correct batched computation of orientation features. [58](


* Implement ESM embedding encoder ([33](, [#41](
* Adds CDConv implementation [53](
* Adds tuned hparams for models [53](


* Refactors beartype/jaxtyping to use latest recommended syntax [53](
* Adds explainability module for performing attribution on a trained model [53](
* Change default finetuning features in config: `ca_base` -> `ca_seq` [53](
* Add optional hparam entry point to finetuning config [53](
* Fixes GPU memory accumulation for some metrics [53](
* Updates zenodo URL for processed datasets to reflect upstream API change [53](
* Adds multi-hot label encoding transform [53](
* Fixes auto PyG install for `torch>2.1.0` [53](
* Adds `proteinworkshop.model_io` containing utils for loading trained models [53](
* Add script for plotting UMAP embeddings of any dataset given a pre-trained encoder model


* Fixes error in Metal3D processed download link ([28](
* Fixes typo in wandb run name setting ([30](
* Fixes paths for models and datasets when testing instantiation of each module ([32](
* Improvements to TFN, MACE and EGNN models and layers, including DiffDock-style intermediate edge feature creation (TFN), dropout, gaussian RBF, mean global pooling ([38](


* Minor patch; adds missing `overwrite` attribute to `CATHDataModule`, `FoldClassificationDataModule` and `GeneOntologyDataModule`. ([25](


* Fixes raw data download triggered by absence of PDB when using pre-processed datasets ([24](
* Fixes bug where batches created from `in_memory=True` data were not correctly formatted ([24](
* Consistently exposes the `overwrite` argument for datamodules to users ([24](
* Fixes bug where downloading FoldComp datasets into directories with the same name as the dataset throws an error ([24](
* Increments `graphein` dependency to `1.7.3` ([24](


* Fixes incorrect lookup of `DATA_PATH` env var ([19](


* First public release



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